#help mod Iruma escape
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mod-kyoko · 2 years ago
I just saw that you've never done a Miu request, and I view that as a tragedy. Therefore I'd like to request Miu with an S/O that loves to fluster her all the time because they know she weak to compliments like they'll call her cute and adorable and when she trues to act rude and vulgar they'll pull a kabedon on her to make her blush up a storm and then kiss her
miu iruma w/ S/O that loves to fluster her
info: slightly nsfw, miu being miu, loads of swearing, gn!reader
type: hc format, non-despair au
a/n: this is actually my first time writing for miu despite her being one of my favourites lmao
literally no one knows why you're with miu
she is so vulgar and mean! you two look like a toxic couple when she yells at you
well, you just know exactly how to shut her up
it all started one day when miu was showing off one of her inventions to impress you
at this point of time you had been dating only for a few weeks
you leaned against her desk as she shows off the invention
"and if you press this button, it launches a tazer to fry the motherfucker's ass!"
she was showing you an invention that had a variations of self-defense all in one small device
"wow... that's really impressive.. over 10 ways of self-defense.. in that small thing?"
"bahaha! I know right? I'm just a total fuckin' genius! not one sorry shithead can match with my golden brain!"
you couldn't help but giggle, you were sure that this invention was actually meant for you...
"w... what the fuck is so funny?"
"hehe... sorry... it's just cute when you praise yourself like that."
miu's face when bright red and curled into herself, chewing on her nail
"c-cute..? I.. I see..."
she becomes all quiet and a cherry red mess whilst muttering to herself
since then you recognise that she's incredibly easy to fluster with simple compliments despite her confidence exterior
when she's yelling at a poor soul (such as shuichi) you'll whisper in her ear that she's adorable
she becomes all meek, giving her victim a chance to escape from her wrath
it's honestly great entertainment and you admittedly fluster her just to see her cute expression
it also makes her a lot more cuddly when you two settle down alone
when she's yelling at you however, you need to amp it up just a bit
she was going off on you about how you intervened when she was trying to have a boob measuring content with kaede and tsumugi
suddenly you leaned in and put your hands on the wall behind her, trapping her between the wall and you
she was already red, then you kissed her on the lips and she went crimson
"I-Is this the kind of kinky shit you're into...?" she moaned "hurry up and just take me!"
"uhm.. miu, babe... we're in the middle of the hallway..."
"fucking fine then! don't open up my floodgates if you don't even want to swim! blue-ballin' cocksucker!"
you threatened to call her the 'c' word again and she very quickly submits into her docile state
-Mod Kirumi
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tren-fraszka · 2 years ago
Heart Attack 2023
Dear creator,
Thank you for taking your time to check my requests. I know my requests can sound a bit tricky, but please don’t be discouraged. I wish you will have good time writing first and foremost!
My AO3 is Tren, if you wish to check it out. I’m open to treats.
Likes: comedy, angst, casefics, canon compliants, canon divergences, AUs, time loops, bodyswaps, roleswaps, “being hoisted by your own petard” plotlines, snark, pettiness, rivals, enemies to friends to lovers, pining, bed sharing, violence, friendships, and character bonding,
DNW: explicit sex (makeouts and fade to black is okay), A/B/O, mpreg, rape depicted as positive (so no “it’s okay, because the other person enjoyed it/it was what they truly wanted”), trans headcanons, soulmate AUs, stories ending with surrender to fate/destiny, fourth wall breaking in canons where that doesn’t occur, character has cancer or other real-life terminal disease AU, word “queerplatonic”.
Also, I included what ships I’m okay with in each fandom. Please do not include any ships that aren’t canon and I have not allowed in those sections (if you feel really strongly about a ship I haven’t mentioned, you can always ask through mods just in case).
On a separate, but similar note, I’m okay with OCs as long as they don’t overshadow the characters I requested.
Additionally, while I almost never request fanart as possible medium, because I prefer my main gift to be fic, I would be very okay with receiving fanart treats. Also, feel free to peruse my old letters if you get your hands on them. I never stop being interested in fandoms, and if I requested something once I will still want it in the future.
I read new manga chapters as they get translated so feel free to incorporate anything from the manga that’s available in English. I’m also fine with a fic based on anime.
Kirio Amy/Suzuki Iruma
There are many good ships with Iruma, but this one just has a lot things I like. I love enemy ships with both sides being way too emotionally invested into each other so this was inevitable. I love how this relationship starts as this really wholesome friendship and school festival preparation, except Kirio turns out to be a bit messed up and wants to blow up everyone. But then they both accept the outcome and go on with their lives still thinking about each other. Iruma goes through a lot of trouble to keep the club operating even though Kirio has been pretty much expelled. And then Kirio is now obsessed with Iruma as his anthitesis and perfect enemy.
I’m okay with the potential story happening at any point in the canon. I would love both a story set before the festival while Kirio is still hiding his true colors or a story set after it. Maybe Iruma runs into Kirio somewhere after he escapes prison and instead of calling an adult, he tries to stop Kirio from causing trouble on his own. Or Kirio much to surprise of all his allies, despite being a known basher of evidols, suddenly develops obsession with the mysterious newcomer evidol Irumi. As for pre-festival story. Maybe some upperclassmen steal important parts from the club and Iruma and Kirio set out to get them back.
Naberius Kalego & Suzuki Iruma
I love Kalego for being a much better take on Snape than original Snape ever was. The second the series made Kalego Iruma’s familiar I knew this was about to get good. And it was. I love how Kalego slowly warms up to Iruma, even if he is still allergic to his and Sullivan’s antics. I love that Kalego is actually a competent teacher who cares about his students, but at the same time he would rather eat a whole lemon than admit it out loud.
For prompts, maybe Sullivan ends up having an important business and Opera isn’t available so he dumps looking after Iruma on Kalego for a few days. Or Iruma is struggling with studying since so many things are new for him, so Kalego ends up forced to help him catch up with the material (inclusion of Balam is always welcome). Or maybe Iruma gets into usual trouble ends up stranded somewhere and the only one he can call for help is his familiar. What if Kalego figured out that Iruma is a human?
Crocell Kerori | Kuromu/Gyari
One of the last thing I expected to get was a canonical yuri romance in this manga, but here it is and it’s perfect. I love how it is pretty much built on mutual pining. I love how Kuromu loves Gyari, but refuses to reciprocate her feelings, because she knows that she needs to remain unattainable to keep their relationship alive, and I love how Gyari is never ever going to give up.
I would love to see more of the time when they worked together. We know it was love at the first sight for Gyari, but I would love to see how Kuromu’s feelings grew. Those hours they spent together practicing, maybe a not-date where they sneak together to scout a venue where they will be having their first big concert, or maybe a small contest that would sow the seeds for their future rivalry. I would love any and all of it. Also, Gyari doesn’t seem to be aware of Kuromu’s civilian identity, so I would love a story where Gyari meets Crocell Kerori rather than Kuromu. Does she recognize her? Or does Kerori manage to successfully trick her? Maybe Gyari makes a full investigation after hearing rumors that Kuromu is attending Babylys. I would also love any sort of future fic for those two.
AUs and ships
I love the worldbuilding around the demon world, so I would ask that if you decided to write an AU that it still incorporates demons. I would definitely love an AU where rather than getting summoned to demon world, Iruma accidentally summons either Kirio or Kalego into the human world. Maybe Iruma’s parents try to use him as an offering, but instead he ends up bound to a demon. I would love to see Kirio excited to unleash suffering (even if his weak powers severely limit him in that regard) onto human world just to discover that he made contract with the biggest pacifist possible. Or Kalego being torn between wanting to return home as soon as possible (he has classes to teach!) and wanting to somehow help the weird human child that just keeps getting into trouble. Any other demon-focused AU is also welcome. For Gyari and Kurmou, maybe one of them is a human who ends up summoning the other as a demon. How different would their relationship be then? I’m also fine with any sort of AU divergences scenario. Maybe Iruma keeps accidentally sabbotaging Kirio’s terrorist plans without realizing it. Or Iruma ends up summoning Kalego more often as his familiar when he gets into trouble. What if Gyari also attended Babylys.
As for ships, I’d rather avoid any love triangle scenarios for this canon, so please focus on just one pairing per character (competing for Iruma’s attention is normal for this canon, I’d just rather not see outright romantic competition). It’s self-explainatory for Kirio request, but if you want to include some shipping elements into the other requests I also ship Iruma/Ameri and Kalego/Balam.
Kurima Raizo/Usui Yuen
I love the parallels between those two and how much they understand each other. Yuen’s kindness laced with the understanding that for Raizo continuing to live is a punishmen in itself, and Raizo’s silent acceptance of this fate. Of the fact that he’s reaping consequences of his rash actions and naivety. It’s just so good.
I would love anything that touches on them being artists. Whether it be Yuen’s decorating or Raizo’s drawing, I just really love the discussions about the nature of art in this series. Or more of Yuen’s attempts to make Raizo realize that the life is still worth living. Maybe he tries to show Raizo some beautiful views, hoping it will help. Or perhaps he starts to give him small gifts that he finds beautiful. Or post-canon with Yuen having more feelings than he expected
I’m very okay with Raizo having big angst over how he doesn’t deserve to be loved after he caused his fiancee’s suicide. Maybe he has nightmares about it and Yuen tries to find a way to ease them. I’m also very up for Raizo’s very awkward attempts at expressing his feelings, since it’s obvious it was never his strong suit. I feel like it might lead to some hilarious outcomes, especially because he wouldn’t have a clue how to go about being with someone of the same sex. Like, he had some idea how a marriage with a woman was supposed to go, but he’d likely go around trying to get some advice on how you go about being with another guy. Honestly, he might even need someone’s help to realize he his feelings for Yuen are romantic
Also, while we never got explanation of who Yuen is exactly and how he got into Revenger business, knowing Urobuchi, Yuen is very likely supposed to be the miraculously survivng Amakusa Shiro. The show kept strongly hinting at it, and I will take any sort of breadcrumbs hinting at that headcanon with gratitude
AUs and ships
No setting changes please. I just love how deeply stepped into the time period Revenger is. I would however love any sort of canon divergence. Like, I’m obviously fine with changing the ending. But it would also be interesting to see what if the situation with opium played out differently. Like, what if they formed an alliance with the Chinese group? Or what if they ended up working alongside the other group of Revengers? Or openly rebelled against Chapel? There are just so many interesting what ifs. I also think roleswaps could be very fun with this canon. Or a character being caught into a time loop
I don’t mind mentions of Raizo’s time with his fiancee before she died
Kurusu Kazuki & Suwa Rei  
Kurusu Kazuki/Suwa Rei
My platonic ideal of this series is the very first scene we see with the cool car chase and our two protagonists cornering their mark. Only for the tense interrogation they are putting their target through to get interrupted by phone call and an ensuing bickering because Miri had gotten sick and how dare Rei not notice. The guy they cpatured tries to use that moment to escape, only to get shot, since the protagonists don’t have time to deal with him anymore. They have sick child to take care of. And like, I enjoyed the rest of the series, but that one scene was just the undistilled essence of what I found the most entertaining.
I’m fine with both platonic and romantic take on Kazuki’s and Rei’s relationship. I just really enjoyed the domesticity they built up together and how grounded their relationship felt. Like, it obviously started from convenience with Kazuki having nowhere to go and Rei being completely unpreapared for living alone. But somewhere along their partnership, they forged a really strong bond where they both realize that they need each other, even if they don’t exactly put into words.
For more platonic prompts, I’d love to see the beginnings of their cohabitation. What sort of arguments they had at the start? What kind of compromises they had to make? We know that Rei tried to adopt a cat. Were then other attempts he made at having an animal? Did they acquire a cat after the event of canon? On that note, I’d love any exploration of what happened post-canon. How did their dinner operation start? Were they forced to use any of their assassin skills despite retirement? Did they develop a rivalry with a neighbourhood Italian restaurant that’s definitely not lead by some similarly retired mafia members? On similar topic, did Rei and Kazuki have scuffles with other assassin groups when they were still active? What if they had to compete with someone for the same target?
For more romantic prompts, I’d love exploration of how their cohabitation could turn into something more. As well as the two of them kinda finding the right shape of their relationship. Like, I’d love to see them trying to do some general couple things, but not everything quite sticking. Like for example, maybe they try to sleep in the same bed, but it turns out that Rei isn’t quiet ready to abandon the safety of the bathtub. Or Kazuki realizes he can’t enjoy one of typical couple activities since it reminds him too much of his time with his wife. Kazuki and Rei just have such different types of trauma and the idea of them finding ways to be happy despite it all really fascinating.
I’d also love fumbling displays of affection happening at awkward moments during their assassin jobs. Does the gun need a big red ribbon on it? No, but it’s the thought that counts.
I enjoy Miri and Kyu (and other secondary characters), so don’t hesitate to include them if you wish.
AUs and ships
I think a setting change could be pretty fun as long as Rei and Kazuki continue to work as assassins or have similar profession. Different time periods, fantasy AUs, or such could be really interesting for them. I also wouldn’t mind seeing a different take on the ending, maybe they find a different way to convince Rei’s dad to leave them alone and stay in the business. Or they do give up on being assassins, but rather than opening a dinner they choose some other job. AU where Kazuki and Rei are actually a comedian and oil baron, but they give everyone the wrong impression that they are assassins due to Rei’s awkward wording (and him playing too much FPSes) and Kazuki being bad at jokes.
I wouldn’t mind a deeper look into Kazuki’s relationship with his wife (especially since we see him struggle with comparing what he lost and what he has now in anime).
I've only seen anime, please no manga spoilers.
Hitori Gotou/Nijika Ichiji
I loved how Nijika literally pulled Bocchi out of her funk and into becoming a member of a band. Those two just work so well together with Nijika managing the team on practical level while Bocchi is the emotional core that keeps it together. I especially loved the quiet moment they had after their successful concert where Nijika confides in Bocchi about her reason for starting the band
I’d love to see them going out together somewhere. Maybe Bocchi wants to go to a concert of a certain band and only Nijika can go there as her social support. Or she needs to buy something that she can only get in person. Or they end up separated during a band hangout and have to find their way back.
For some more ideas, what if Bocchi starts to despair about the subscriptions on her youtube channel falling down and enlists Nijika’s help with brainstorming how to raise the numbers (since Nijika is the only one who knows that Bocchi is Guitarhero) and they end up getting into shenanigans.
Or you can just jump straight into Bocchi overheating as she’s catastophising hundred ways in which her love confession will fail. Or going way overboard with her confession making it like a giant public event before realizing she can’t stand the amount of attention this has generated and failing. It’d also be fun to explore what they’d be like in established relationship. Would Nijika’s presence help ground Bocchi? How would Bocchi show her affection to Nijika?
Hitori Gotou & Futari Gotou
Sister bonding! I loved the relationship between the sisters even if it was happening mostly in the background. Futari might talk shit about her sister, but she seems to genuinely enjoy her presence even going as far as making her summer homework focus on what Bocchi was doing when she was barely doing anything
I’d love it if Futari took interest in music and asked Bocchi to teach her some basics (not necessary playing the guitar, but maybe trying to understand the music theory), because she wants to be able to compliment her big sister’s music properly. In general I just want Bocchi to get a chance to be a responsible older sister. Maybe she ends up in situation where she has to take care of Futari and use all her courage to pull through unfamiliar situations
Or maybe Futari wants to put on a show for their parents as a present and asks Bocchi to play the music while she does it, so the two of them try to work together in secret to make it a surprise, while Bocchi has to work through her hangups about playing very upbeat songs
AUs and ships
I’d prefer no setting changes. Though I actually wouldn’t mind exploring what if instead of guitar Bocchi (and other characters) dove into a different kind of hobby. Bocchi as an artist joining an art circle would be hilarious to give an example.
I’m fine with mentions of Ryou/Kita
I’m fine with story based on either anime or manga, I’m caught up with both.
Jinguuji Tsukasa/Tachibana Hinata
Childhood friends who are practically inseparable and strongly dependent on each other? That’s already perfect, but now throw into it a crazy goddess who isekais both of them, turns one of them into a girl, throws an unspecified curse, and forces those two to confront the fact that their feelings for each other might go beyond friendship? That’s beyond perfect. That’s galaxy brain and I want more of that mishmash of tropes.
I’m all about everyday interactions and weird rpg shenanigans they get into, so you can never go wrong with leaning into it. But for something else: What if at some point one of them got returned back to their original world? How would the other cope? Would they be able to establish communication between the two worlds? How would they go about reuniting?
I would love to see them taking their relationship a step further. I crave all the awkwardness that’s going to come with those two idiots trying to figure out how to admit their feelings to each other. And the inevitable defeat of any villains who get in the way of them having a moment. Will Jinguuji and Tachibana try to go on a date with a disasterous results? Will Jinguuji desperately try to find a dating manual in another world? And will they be able to enjoy a romantic moment without “CHARMED” status ruining it?
Feel free to include any other characters, they are a colorful bunch. Though if you want a suggestion, I’m very partial to Schwartz and Shen
AUs and ships
I don’t want setting changes, though I would enjoy seeing a different spin on how those two dorks get isekaied and under what circumstances they end up inflicting the wrath of Goddess of Love. Or I would love an AU where the goddess doesn’t succeed in her first killing attempt, so she keeps trying to isekai Tachibana and Jinguuji keeps foiling her plans every time (or maybe he fails at some point?). What if the curse placed by the goddess manifests in some other ridiculous ways? What if Shwartz wormed his way into the protagonists’ party and third-wheeled like only he can?
Feel free to include any one-sided crushes from canon.
I'm fine with including material from manga that's been translated into English
Aikawa Fudou/Magahara Desumi
When I was starting this series I didn’t expect to stumble into a wholesome romance, but here we are and I absolutely love the main duo and everyone else in this sentai-themed bar.
I love that they share hobbies. Desumi being okay with a workout date was so cute, but I would love to see Fudou attempting to take Desumi on a proper date as promised. Or it descends into another workout date anyway, because they want more excitement. Aquarium date would also be great, just saying. I also loved when they set up a confrontation between Gecko and Gelato in the amusement park, so they could sneak out to have fun together. What if they do something similar in another location? 
I’m also always welcome to any Gelato or Gecko shenanigans. I eat that sentai nonsense with a spoon. Maybe Fudou gets invited to Desumi’s family meeting (in Gecko costume, of course) where he gets to experience a true Gecko Christmas. Or Desumi accidentally joins Gelatos on their day off, since she knows half the team at this point. What if Gecko’s and Gelato’s accidentally book the rooms in the same karaoke/dinner/other place of entertainment to celebrate and Fudou and Desumi frantically try to make sure others in their organization don’t realize that their sworn enemies are just behind the wall
If you want something a bit more serious, both Fudou and Desumi mentioned that they want to give up on their current roles at some point and actually lead normal lives. How would their “graduation” look like when it does happen? How would they navigate this new chapter in their lives? How would it change the organizations they are going to leave behind?
AUs and ships
I prefer no setting change for this canon. The sentai shenanigans are just too good. I wouldn’t mind some roleswaps between the Gelato and Gecko though. Maybe Fudou is working for Gecko and Desumi is a part of Gelato team? Or maybe someone else is swapped. How different would the story be if they actually got big transforming robots like in Power Rangers?
I prefer the reationships between all characters to stay the same as in canon.
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dangankingdom · 4 years ago
->Makoto, Byakuya, Mondo, and Chihiro w/crocs
trigger happy crocs... havoc crocs...
Mod Iruma warning// a joking reference to addiction, crocs, crocs, crocs, crocs, crocs, crocs, crocs, crocs, crocs, crocs, crocs, crocs, crocs,
This is the most popular post on the blog, so I’m using it to advertise mod Saihara’s Chiaki fic
Makoto Naegi
Please he has those Tye-Dye ones..
They have sunflower and rainbow charms... Obviously gifted by you ofc.
He rocks crocs them with no shame.
Togami being a mega ass hole, Makoto Crocegi doesn’t care.
Failed a test, Makoto Crocegi doesn’t care....
You wonder if the charms are magical...
Makoto Crocegi is to powerful...
It’s an addiction now
“Please, you need to calm down with the crocs,,”
He sits upon his throne of croc boxes... a croc crown covered in croc charms on his hair, clout goggles on his head.
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Byakuya Togami
you even get him charms with crowns and shit big he refuses...
So the white crocs you bought go to waste...
💃he fucking wears them🕺
You cry tears of joy
You feel the clouds part and the sun shine down on you,,,
Crocuya Togami
Togami wore the fucking crocs
Charms and all
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Mondo Owada
He already has crocs
You just gave him an extra pair on accident,,,
You guys are croc buddies,
Crocs stay on during cuddle time
Moncrocs Owada, I’m really reaching with that one..
Croc shaped hair
Hair shaped crocs
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Please you guys wear matching crocs,
Matching charms, matching colors, matching everything,
crocs represent their mood, colors are usually bright.
If you see blue crocs please give them a hug,,,
Please they need a hug
You, Chihiro, and Mondo go one croc shopping outings..
Crochiro Fujicroci a two in one
Croc mountains, you and chihiro rule the land...
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hi hi hi Mod Iruma is in pain, Mod Iruma is tired, Mod Iruma is stuck in Mod Saihara’s basement...
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forbidding-souda · 5 years ago
Hey, mod of @danganronpa-x-reader here and thanks so much for your shout out and kind words. I wanted to make a request! If you can’t do it (I have adhd so even when I read blog rules I always miss something) then ignore my request and just take this as a thank you post! But here’s my request Imagines of the V3 boys first time (nsfw) with a virgin female reader that’s nervous about it (I’m a sucker for these types of stories.
DRV3 boys with virgin fem S/O (NSFW)
I got ya! I’m not too experienced in being a virgin female but I’ll try my best bahaha so I only did the moment that the virginity is taken.
Ryoma isn’t included because no.
-Mod Souda
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Rantarou Amami
He is cunning. He licks up and down your body, keeping that smug look on his face as he does.
He sucks on your chest, hard, and leaves red hickeys all over your body.
Anything to make you wet. He knows how this whole sex thing works, textbook wise, of course.
He’s pretty book smart. His good looks add to it, of course.
Especially when he lays you down, putting his hand down your underwear before taking them off.
You gasp. His hands are cold, making them more apparent once they enter you. 
Your breathing quickens. He just hums to himself, amused at how flustered you are getting.
Curses fall under your breathe once he curls his fingers, and you find your legs spreading unconsciously.
Pulling his fingers out, he finally pulls down your underwear.
And the nervousness you started with comes back.
“I’m a little nervous,” you state bluntly. It makes him pause for a second and he peers up at you with his puppy dog eyes. But a smile returns to his face as he continues on with positioning himself.
“If you ever want me to stop, just tell me, okay.”
You just nod, settling back into your relaxed position and taking a breath.
When he goes inside of you, he leans forward and rest his body on-top of yours to kiss your neck. 
“Please,” you beg, “Rantarou, please start moving!”
Kaito Momota 
His energy seems to joyful that you can’t find yourself being too worried.
He giggles as he kisses you, his mouth moving around your body, planting compliments.
Your fingers pull through his hair, too, especially when he kisses your neck.
“You don’t have to be scared.” He coos against you, his strong arms holding your naked body. He had a smug smile though, almost as always.
Stubbornly you deny his words. “I’m not scared.”
“It’s fine if you are.” 
He leans close to you, pressing his lips against yours. You wrap your legs around his waist, and you can feel your breathe quicken when he pulls down his underwear.
Kaito places one hand on your thigh, lifting your leg so it goes on his shoulder.
His skin, warm and pressed against you, is rough, but his presence is calming when he touches you.
“Are you ready?”
All you can is nod, scared that if you talk your voice will sound not as ready as you feel.
But you are ready. You’re excited, almost, to know how it feels. 
He’s such a dork. He makes you smile and laugh. And you love him.
When he finally inserts himself inside of you, you squeal a bit. It’s an unusual feeling, something you’re unfamiliar with.
But once he starts moving, you understand the appeal to sex. 
Korekiyo Shinguuji
He lays under you, maskless and at a loss for breath. His hands glide up your thighs, holding you in place. He doesn’t speak, letting you take the control.
The feeling of anticipation carries you more than anything, you’re almost excited to know what it feels like.
Korekiyo is the perfect man to try with. 
“Are you okay, Kiyo?” You ask him. He rolls his neck, smiling.
“You shouldn’t be asking about me, my love. Are you the one that is okay?”
His voice soothes you more than anything. It’s nice. It’s kind. You want to put a strong face on for him. He can’t know how nervous you are.
All you can do is give him a toothy smile while you slowly start to settle yourself down onto him, his hips twitching in satisfaction.
It makes you hot, feeling him inside of it, and it’s nothing like the books say or the movies portray it as. 
Plus, the sight of him shirtless from under you is the most satisfying thing about it all.
“You’re gorgeous, Korekiyo.”
In response, he bucks his hips, smiling to himself at your loud reaction. The longer you sit on top of him, the longer he teases you with his sudden touches or dirty words.
Gonta Gokuhara
He’s definitely as nervous as you, if not even more. His big hands aren’t sure where to go and his soft lips don’t know what words to say.
You flip him, so his back is on the bed and you climb on top of him, kissing his softly. 
We are in this together, you almost want to say. 
You run one of your hands up and down his chest while the other pulls down his pants just enough to show you his dick. 
Close. You’re just so close to him. Nothing in the way the two of you met predicted that this is how your year would end.
Your heart beats at a crazy speed, and it’s all you can hear. 
You don’t know how it will feel, you don’t know what it will be like. Will you even like it? Will he?
Without another word, you let him inside of you, sitting on him with his hips against your own. You can easily feel him fill you up completely. It’s almost uncomfortable.
You have to take a breath before you can move.
He whimpers, his cheeks a deep red color. “Oh, S/O, please move,” he moans out. 
Kokichi Ouma
The two of you are sitting on the couch, you on his lap, letting his hands roam your chest.
You don’t have any underwear from under your skirt, and all he has to do is take off his pants. But he doesn’t want to rush anything. He knows it’s your first time, so he takes a while to make you feel good, getting you wet and open for him.
The noises you make get louder the more he touches you until you are practically begging for him to pull down his pants.
“Please,” you sit up, fingers intertwining with his roots. “Please, I’m ready. I’m ready.”
The unmoving swirl of nervousness still remains in your stomach, no matter how sure you of how you want this evening to end.
He pulls down his pants, the smile never leaving his face. He couldn’t help but let his fingers travel up your thighs and letting his kind touch align you with him.
So when you push down, you can feel him enter you, and the decision is definitely worth it. 
Your head leans against his shoulder, and you couldn’t help but whisper out, “Thank you.”
His metal body is cold, but you like touching it anyways.
And the day before, Iruma had approached you, telling you about his request and then drooling when she added the fact that he could last forever.
Knowing her, it made you a bit scared of what size she made it. 
Kiibo’s kisses seemed to distract you from the thought, though, until he moment his cold hand seemed to fall down into your pants, dragging them down along with your underwear.
You exhale, your cheeks puffing up as you do. It’s not like he’s more experienced than you. What are you even scared of?
“Be careful, okay, Kiibo.” You coo, advertising your gaze.
He tilts his head back a bit before rolling his neck, his form of expressing the slight offense he took to your statement.
“I would never hurt you.”
“That’s not what I meant,” you say while laughing a bit. “I’m a bit sensitive, Kiibo, that’s all I meant by it.”
He draws close to you, resting his forehead against yours as he spreads your legs. “Then I will be careful, as you put it.”
You know that you can tell him if you feel uncomfortable, or if he is going too fast or slow, and he will accommodate himself to you. 
And you will accommodate yourself to him, whatever makes him comfortable, as he is as new to this as you.
Feeling anxious just seems silly. But it still bites at you.
You can tell, by the hard flush on his face, that he feels the same way.
In the midst of your thoughts, you let out a small moan when you feel him, warm, inside of you. 
Warm? Did Iruma put in a heater? Silly woman.
He opens his mouth, letting out a moan just at the contact, and the feeling of your walls pulsating against him. 
He can feel your heartbeat. That’s probably his favorite part.
Shuichi Saihara
If it’s even possible, you’re more of a blushing mess than he is.
Your body is sensitive to every single one of his touches. You whimper as his lips close over one of your nipples and his fingers drag down your pants. 
A part of you wants to squirm against his touch. Another part of you just wants him inside of you already, to know how it feels. To know what to expect.
“Shuichi, you’re driving me crazy!” You say with a small laugh. His saliva drips down your breast.
“Do you not like it?” He asks with a hint of shyness in his voice.
“I love it too much, it’s so overwhelming.”
His kisses trail back up to your mouth. “Does that mean you’re ready?”
“I... I am ready, are you ready, too?”
A small smile falls onto his face. He nods as he puts his fingers on his own waistband, pulling his pants down with a slow hesitance.
His movements are calm, though his hands have a slight tremble to them.
“Are you ready too, I asked.” You repeat with a bit more force, your thighs pressing together. “Please don’t force yourself.”
A smooth breath escapes his lips. Seeing your concern for him seems to calm him down. You care. He knows you care. 
“It’s my first time, too. I just don’t want to mess it up.”
“Don’t worry about messing up. It’ll just add to the experience, right, Shuichi?”
Your wide smile encourages him. But there’s a slight tremble to your hands, as well. Maybe he isn’t so alone. The thought is pleasant.
Both of his hands find their place on either side of your head as he pushes inside of you. 
“Aah- yes,” you moan out, your hands gripping his sides.
His head dips, taking his bottom lip in between his teeth to hide his quick whimper.
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i hope it wouldn’t be hard to write and it’s not a weird request :( How would v3 boys/girls(I can’t choose, so if you will write this can you please choose)comfort their s/o after their sibling’s execution?
Ok it didn't took long cuz it was hard- it took long cuz my gaming addiction came back but now I won't be able to play games so I guess I will write :D also just so yall know whenever I will have an opportunity to write for girls I will do so! Well not allways cuz there might be some things I want to write for boys so yeah!
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V3 Girls comfort their s/o after their sibling’s execution?
S/N- Sibling name
Kirumi Tojo
Both you and Kirumi were in shock while you heard verdict: S/N was the culprit. As she saw tears in your eyes she immediately embraced you.
Then she witnessed the last talk you and your sibling had. It was heartbreaking. Whether it was argument or not she just couldn't handle this.
Still she stayed quiet and was there to comfort you when needed. She said her goodbyes to S/N but she didn't interfere with your final conversation.
You just couldn't look at it and Kirumi couldn't blame you. She held you close and whispered to you in a manner to comfort you.
She tried to make you avoid looking at this horrible sight (since before dying your sibling asked her to make sure you won't see them).
She decided to do whatever it takes to make you feel happier after all this and get over S/N's death. Of course she didn't ment is as forgetting about S/N.
In the end she whould occasionally see you down and that's when she whould try her best to make you smile becouse she just couldn't let that precious smile of yours disappear. But sometimes she gives you some space and time.
Miu Iruma
When it was all clear Miu didn't knew how to react. She looked at you and tried to calm you down.
No matter if your last conversation was argument or some emotional bullshit it was just standing there and holding your hand in a manner of comfort (of course she whould let go if you hugged her but then Miu was dragged into group hug).
Before this bullshit began Miu felt heartbroken as she saw tears in your eyes. She hugged you (once again) and pat your back.
As S/N's execution began Miu saw that your legs were giving up on you. She supported you so you whouldn't fall. You couldn't believe your eyes and why were you even looking at this!?
When S/N was dead Miu couldn't let you be alone. She was there to comfort you and she didn't care if you said that you needed some time alone cuz she knew it was total bullshit. The last thing you need is to be alone.
Kaede Akamatsu
She couldn't belive it. Why whould S/N kill anyone? Even if they tried to get away they whould kill YOU. Their own family member! Of course they had their own motive but she was very surprised that they were ready to sacrifice you.
Still the truth was reached and now you will witness S/N's death... Kaede at this point felt like her heart broke when she saw how upset you were.
And that's when she decided embrace you and your sibling. The two of you just went for it and hugged one last time...
When the "show" began Kaede tried to make you look so where else since she knew S/N didn't wanted you too see them suffer.
After that she was trying to show you a lot of love and support but of course gave you some time when you wanted to think. Then she whould stay with you but she whould be silent. She knew that she couldn't leave you alone and that you often needed comfort.
Angie Yonaga
When the trial was over Angie was surprised by the outcome... Why whould S/N kill anyone? She wasn't sure...
Still she forgave S/N their crime and promised them to take good care of you. They were confused by her choice of words but felt grateful anyways.
She hugged you and your sibling at the same time making it a group hug. But she knew that it would not last for long...
During the execution Angie whouldn't do anything but hold your hand if you wished to not look she whould help you.
When everything was over and S/N was gone... Angie never let you stay alone she wasn't acting differently and she tried her best to support you.
Tenko Chabashira
(Ok fuck this i won't write separate for is sibling was female or not I will make it like this: She liked your sibling and enjoyed their company but not as much as yours of course)
She couldn't belive that neither you or your sibling whould commit such a brutal act. But it happened and this was the truth.
Caring more about how you felt about it she stayed silent as you talked with them. Then she said her goodbyes and no matter if your talk with them was an argument or not she dragged you into a group hug.
Of course she didn't wanted you to look at this but it is your decision if you want to do so. Either way she was there if you needed a shoulder to cry on.
Next day she spent all that time with you trying to think about S/N all the good and bad times you had. Of course it wasn't to turn you down it was to remember S/N.
Himiko Yumeno
She was upset about this fact. Why whould S/N try to get away and let you all get killed!? Even though she didn't had best terms with them she believed in them.
It seemed wierd of her to react in such was but it was only because Himiko cared about you deeply and just couldn't understand why your own sibling whould try and kill you if it granted their escape.
But after she let all her feelings out she didn't join conversation between you and them. Still she decided to apologize in the end.
The sight of an execution was something Himiko truly wanted to avoid and didn't wanted you to look either but what if S/N somehow gave you that one last message?
Anyways when S/N died you seemed less lively. Himiko tried to make you smile as she held few magical shows just for you but the smiles at her magic didn't last long and she tried to cheer you up.
Even though she fully understood you S/N probably whouldn't want you morning their death for such a long time...
Maki Harukawa
She didn't interact with your sibling often. Still she didn't expect them to kill...
Maki felt really bad for you and as she saw your reaction her heart broke. When you were talking to them she was silent.
When the execution began however she held you close so you could cry on her shoulder or just look away and miss this horrible sight.
After everything was over Maki gave you space and time. But it she felt like you needed comfort she showed you that she was there for you.
Tsumigi Shirogane
Tsumigi didn't knew what to say about whole thing... It was crazy!
But there is one thing she wanted to make sure of. What was that thing? You not being in bad terms with your sibling before their death.
If you whould argue she whould try her best to calm the situation. If not she whould just let you two talk. In the end she whould start a group hug and few of the remaining students whould join.
During the execution Tsumigi didn't do anything as it was your choice if you wanted to see it or not. But there is one thing she did wich was holding your hand in manner to comfort you.
When it was over Tsumigi decided to stay close to you. She didn't said anything about S/N if you weren't the one who brought it up.
~Mod Chiaki
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imagine-a-killingharmony · 6 years ago
MMO Games + Kokichi, Shuichi, Miu, Maki, Kaede and Tsumugi
mod shumai you're precious and i love your writing!! can i (please) get uh... Kokichi, Shuichi, Miu, Maki, Tsumugi and Kaede playing an online game together with their s/o? I'm an mmo nerd myself and this request was def. inspired by playing too much path of exile lately but whatever kind of game you're familiar with is fine!
First of all... thank you very much for the compliment!!! Y’all are gonna be the death of me hearing positivity makes me feel just... haaaawaaa...???? Y’know??? Yeah ya know but really thank you!!
Also, I don’t really play MMO games so I’ll stick by the usual rpg roles I know about. Like Fighter, Mage, Bomber/Grenadier, Bard, Rogue/Thief, and Ranger/Archer/Gunman.
(Honestly, I remember seeing one post from @ministarfruit with an mmo au, it was adorable if you wanna check that out!!!)
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-Mod Shuichi
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi had been very excited to try out an MMO game with you, he promised that he would try his best considering this was his first time playing an MMO.
He just asked you try to keep up with him considering you had been playing for a while, an already considerably moderately leveled character, you promised you would stay at a pace he was comfortable with.
When making the character he... had picked the largest hat there possibly was, which belonged to the ‘Mage’ class, he made it quite similar to his own appearance. He hadn’t expected for there to be any need to be like anyone else, besides most of the outfits didn’t seem pleasing so he chose the solution he enjoyed the most.
... He made his eyelashes considerably longer too which had been the only difference between him and his character, when he was brought into the world you tried his best to steer him in the gameplay mechanic, he had been wobbly at first but when he got ahold of it he had made an amazing player besides some slip-ups.
Shuichi was great at strategizing, it was fun to plan ways to beat your opponents with him, it was fun to see his reactions when he was sneaked up upon too, usually just loud: “EUAAhHHSs” before you heard him click the attack button as fast as he possibly could. Only to let out a long sigh of anger out afterward, you always knew he had died when that was the case.
It was even more of a fun time playing with someone, than playing alone!
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaede had heard of MMO games, she even dabbled in one with her classmates a few years back in middle school, she remembers being awful at the games... aha, but you had wanted to try out this newly released one with her, how could she refuse?
You both swore you would never leave each other’s side, much more considering you were both new to the MMO scene but Kaede was certain you both learn quickly!
Kaede made her character as cute and over-the-top as she possibly could, she, of course, picked the ‘Bard’ class, she was more of a supporter than a fighter and she wouldn’t mind the thought of using magical music to assist you.
She wished there was a portable piano, an utter shame there wasn’t but it wasn’t the end of the world, it WAS just a video game after all.
Kaede... wasn’t the best player, she had accidentally run into the wall a couple of times, died a few times, she hadn’t expected it to be quite this... difficult, she was swift with her defensive reactions but she hadn’t quite stopped charging into the enemies despite being a supporter.
She made fun dialogue the entire way through, making plenty of playful remarks throughout the entire battle, sure you weren’t good at winning the battle, but you had plenty of fun just speaking to each other as you worked to pass these endeavors barely making it through with each other, it only affirmed your love when you made it out of a tight situation.
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tsumugi has begged you to try out this incredibly detailed MMO game with spot-on character creations as well as many classes as well as roles, she said she wished to get into the gameplay to learn more about the non-playable characters so she could cosplay them.
It is a shame to not have a fun time with you as she did so right? So she invited you in onto the fun, you heartily agreed.
Tsumugi has already delved into these games, many times within her past, she dared called herself a master of the genre of video games. She said she would: “be your shining knight and protect you!”
She chose the Fighter Class, she made her character the most bishounen she possibly could, the most heart-wrenchingly amazing she could have made him looked. She’s really committed into getting into the: “Knight” role isn’t she?
She had made many sly remarks about you being the one she was sworn to protect...! Just... cliche lines left and right, with some fangirling here and there.
She had destroyed any enemies that crossed your path, it was a terrible idea to underestimate Tsumugi Shirogane, she was a master of any skills that involved bringing her characters to life to the extreme. That was the case for the knight that she had created as well.
You didn’t need to help Tsumugi in her quest to vanquish any foe that had come across your way, but she still appreciated he help here and there, she said playing this with you had been way more fun to play than her being all by her lonesome, that was plain to say.
Miu Iruma
Miu had been confident within her abilities to do anything that had technology within it, even MMOs! Sure she never played before, but she had to be amazing at it! She WAS Miu Iruma, the genius! N’... she had you to help her, you promised to help her.
She obviously chose the class involving bombs, because what the fuck? Bombs are waaaaay stronger than prissy-ass swords, guns, or magic! IT’S FUCKIN’ BOMBS! BOOOOMBS!!! BOOM BOOM BABY!
She had made her character with as much resemblance to her beauty as possible, from the... chest size to her golden hair that glistened perfectly in the sun’s rays, from her impossible to describe good-looks, heh, hell any nerd playin’ should want a piece of her. Then she gets to tell em’ she was taken, that be a riiiiot!
Miu was flabbergasted at how hard the game had actually turned out to be, she let out a loud “eep!” whenever anyone had attacked her, usually running towards your side and asking for backup, which usually ended up in the both of you barely surviving.
She was prone to raging or sulking whenever she had died, but you were there to calm her down! It’s just a game after all, isn’t i- “Miu what are you doing.”
“I’m building an invention to play for me, so I can fuck whoever killed us up! Obviously?”
“Miu... we’re supposed to play together...?”
“... But... the taste of sweet fuckin’ revenge...?” ... Actually, she was right, the taste of revenge was quite satisfying, really filling too, but was it filling enough...
“Can we at least play together again when we get the sweet satisfying taste of revenge filled?”
“Oh of course then.”
Kokichi Ouma
It was frightening, your boyfriend had discovered you're hidden away MMO game, then teased you for being a “dork” at first before asking if he could be your “Player 2”.
Or if he could play with you, in “non-dork” language. Least you could do, since you had hidden suuuuch an important fact from him.
.... You had hesitantly agreed, then helped him with creating his character, you were surprised for him to pick the “Cleric” class, then made them a girl, a really cute one at that.
You had asked why the only response you got was: “catfishing” and you decided that was a problem you didn’t need to get into yourself that can of worms...
... He... was surprisingly good at healing you, almost like he had played the game before, but you just thought he was good at adapting quickly, only wish you didn’t have your boyfriend flirting with some other players.
... there was only one thing about all of it, whenever your health got low, the stakes had gotten harsh, your boyfriend... became monstrous, suddenly turning to you when you had started asking for healing so you can continue forward.
One line had escaped his lips, every time you were in the middle of a boss fight, every time you really needed that healing with those spells which he had the correct amount of MP for...
“Kokichi! Please! HELP ME! All of them are going to kill me if you don’t restore my HP right now!” You said as you were barely dodging any enemies that had attacked you, Kokichi was watching from the sidelines from a safe distance.
“... Oh, then perish.” That was all he responded with, your hands ached too much to move anymore, you succumbed to your fate and perished, Kokichi snickering to himself.
Then he revived you, just like that.
“Neeheeheehee... It’s always fun to see you fighting so hard like that~!”
“I don’t wanna play anymore...”
Maki Harukawa
How did the two of you end up like this, you holding your girlfriend by the waist with all the power your arms had in them, as your girlfriend, on the verge of throwing her computer out the window looked down at you with that harsh glare of hers, quietly telling you to: “let go”.
This is how it happened, Maki had recently seen you huddled towards your computer, one day she questioned what you were doing and you responded with telling her it was an MMO game you were recently getting into!
Maki... had asked if you could introduce her to it, she had found it... interesting how you had put so much attention into some video game, Maki Harukawa? Asking you for anything?
Of course, you introduce her to it, first was the customization of your character...! Maki... had chosen the ranger much to your surprise, she said she just didn’t want to get a confrontation with her enemies, let you do most of the work which you weren’t sure how to take that as...
Maki made her character look... edgy, she had chosen most of the customization options that gave a slight bit of... backbite to it, you told her you thought it looked: “cute”.
Maki fumbled with her hair trembling with a flushed face as you both continued forward, it looked peaceful then, little did you know what’s as to come...
Maki wasn’t used to technology, she didn’t grow up looking forward to fiddling with a computer every day, all of this was foreign to her from the attack button to moving so... Maki had accidentally... backtracked into the enemy, you told her mistakes are bound to happen, but then it came to her fifteenth time of dying.
She walked off a cliff, she was already boiling with rage by that point so when you had asked if you wanted to take a break she had picked up the computer, before taking slow steps towards the window, you tried stopping her!
So here you are now, pleading with your girlfriend so she doesn’t throw the computer out the window.
“... Hahn... Fiiine... just stop pulling at my waist, I’ll put it back...”
Oh thank god, you let go. 
You try to comfort her, she was obviously still sulking after dying so many times.
It’s decided you to teach Maki how to use computer’s better before even dating to thrust her into another MMO game, never again, never again.
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kinoronpa · 6 years ago
More ocs since y’all like them
Saiouma kiddos edition!
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Sachihiro Ouma - SHSL Crime Scene Leader
TW: Mentions of Ab/se, Kidnapp/ng.
Sachi grew up with his two brothers and sister. He lived in a good household with his parents Kokichi Ouma and Shuichi Saihara/Ouma. He was best friends with Mikkusu Iruma, even to a point of helping him program a chip he needed to code his personality. His parents shipped them off to different relatives to get to ‘know the family’ more, Sachi was sent to a cousins house which leads to leading a false hope to kids he had kidnapped, one being Daichi. After a turn of events, he left to go attend his brother's side in a different housing. Currently, he is now a haunted AI. He was killed in chapter 4 by Azamuku. His boyfriend brought him back to life- surprisingly. He highly damaged Mikk’s eye to the point of being unrepairable until further notice, due to wanting Mikk to use his audience to get his cousin off trial. Though, since then he has apologized and has given away the current location of his cousin. Which will be taken to higher authority once out. He has also apologized to Daichi, which was accepted- but Daichi has made it clear not everything will be forgiven. Though, he understands.
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Suchiru Ouma - Shsl Conspiracy Theorist
TW: F/ghting, Break up.
Suchiru is one of the more sane ones next to Irei, he’s very calm and collected- mostly. He gets most of his personality from Saihara. He normally escaped through backdoors of where they were currently living at and went to meet up with his girlfriend. After a few months he went where they usually met and ended up meeting a guy there. He had thick naturally red hair and a cloak. Things take a turn for the worst and they’re fighting, which the girl he was dating was calmly watching from her room window. Suchiru left with a few bruises- nothing too serious. He constantly has memories of the night, and needless to say he avoids going around that place anymore. He blocked the girls number to be safe, too. Only Shai knows about this.
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Shai Ouma - SHSL “Crime Scene Technician” Liar
TW: Fight/ng, Bu//ying, Bl/ood, Manipu/ation
Shai looks alot more like Kokichi, and is very prominent of features that can be traced back to him. He grew up like his brothers and sisters did, though he was picked on for being the more timid one. In school he was bullied, as such. He got into countless fights and began fighting back. It resulted in more cuts and scrapes though. Eventually, he began lying and manipulating his bullies. Which was completely believable to them, which gave him the Ultimate talent Liar- and which also gave him the ability to lie about his talent. He has a more Pregame Kokichi-esk look to him at first, which can shift into a more Pregame Saihara mentality. (All of this is a subject to change, currently rewriting his character.)
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Irei Ouma - SHSL Planner
TW: ??? Is breaking an exes car up a tw-
Irei- probably one of the more badass kids grew up normally but mostly around Kokichi. She’d challenge him to play fights when she was 8 and sometimes she’d win. She considered herself a kick ass bi until she broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years. She realized “ Well, fuck that! “ because her boyfriend had been seeing other people without her knowing- plus was a pretty much overall douche. She trashed his car and then fuckin’ yeeted. She also was not to be messed with, she will kick someone for her brothers. She’s now just a big butch lesbian with a lil bit of chub! Funfact: She can chew icecream and anything cold!
OKAY THATS ALL THE MAIN ONES. I HAVE TWO MORE BUT THEY’RE NOT IN THE SAME RP AS THESE FOUR. God now I gotta go take a shower i’m yeeting to mod kiyos play today and I need one :pensive emoji: 
- 🍀
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imaginedanganronpa · 6 years ago
Yandere Shuichi x Kaede continuation. Shuichi manages to find who the mastermind is and frames Kaito’s murder on them somehow. Thanks to a small motivation of Monokuma offering the killer the blackened on leaving with of another student of their choice on not getting executed with the rest. He also gets more physically affectionate with Kaede. Kaede still gives some responses. You can two different endings if Shuichi succeeds Kaede’s trapped or fails and faces his punishment while Kaede is safe.
Part 1 HERE | Part 2 HERE
Yandere!Saihara Shuichi x Kaede Akamatsu Part 3 (With Two Alternate Endings!)
Saihara panicked a bit after realizing what he had done.Now, he’s killed two people and kidnapped a girl – it seems like he’s in somedeep water now.
He managed to remain calm, still. Kaede was now unresponsive and apparently givenup.
As time passed and he was able to manipulate Kaito’s body, he’d picked up onsome suspicious behavior coming from one of his classmates in particular. 
An alarm had been going off in his head about Tsumugi Shirogane for a while now. Itwasn’t until he saw her enter the secret room Kaede had found at the start ofthis whole ordeal that he got confirmation that she had to be the Mastermind.
That’s when his plan was set into motion. 
Saihara, being a Detective that everyone trusted, was able to set up a crimescene and pin it on Tsumugi. He’d stolen strands of her hair from her pillowand other items out of her Lab that would point to her being the culprit.
Recently, Monokuma had offered a new Motive for the students – one thatcertainly intrigued Saihara.
If the Blackened got away with it, they would get to escape from this prisonwith one other student of their choice.
This seemed like the perfect opportunity for he and Kaede to have a happilyever after moment. All of the obsessing and work put into mentally breaking her would finally be pay off after all.
He’d grown more physically affectionate towards her and she finally stoppedfighting back against his advances. He no longer had to use weapons or otherthreatening means for her to reciprocate.
Saihara was able to finally hold her and grow closer, just like he wanted.Though her spirit was broken, he still received some responses here and thereregardless of how small they seemed.
Kaede would grab onto his shirt and tug on it slightly or give verbal cues backin the form if small grunts or moans. He rarely heard her beautiful voiceanymore.
But at least he had her right where he wanted her.
As the Trial creeps closer, he puts some extra restraints on the poor girl just to make sure she’ll never leave him or reveal his plans. “You don’t want anything bad to happen to you… do you?”
Kaede shakes her head and Saihara strokes her hair. “Good~” he coos methodically. When he leans in to kiss her forehead, she no longer flinches or retreats back, and simply sits there with a dead look in her eyes.
It seemed like the perfect case - there’s no way he could go wrong!
And Saihara would get to finally have the girl he was so infatuated with to himself, forever. No restrictions, and he’s already forced her into submission so that life after this Game would be easy.
It’s not like he wanted to harm her, but he couldn’t allow anyone else to have her either. He simply did what he had to do in the name of love. He wasn’t crazy, it’s just that no one had ever stolen his heart like Kaede did.
He was so beyond in love with her that he’d devote his life to proving that to the pianist and do whatever it took to keep her here, even if it meant killing Kaito and Rantaro.
And he’d continue to turn his knife on anyone that tried to take her away.
That’s why he needed to trick the others into voting for the Mastermind and finally end this Killing Game - but more importantly, live out the rest of his days with Kaede as his lover.
During the Trial, he was able to put on his mask and further convince their classmates that he was the charming Detective that they all came to trust.
After hours of debates, Monokuma finally brought the gavel down into the big, red button and announced. “It’s Voting Time!~”
Alternate Ending 1
He couldn’t believe it… Saihara watched in horror as hisname lights up on the screen above Monokuma. They had seen through his lies.
Meaning that he was going to die and leave Kaede behind. 
In the end, he wasn’t going to be able to murder whoever he pleased and treather that way, of course he’d get caught. 
“Any last words?” Monokuma giggled from his podium, glaring at the Detective. 
Saihara was unable to say anything at all. He just watched Kaede’s face as thechain wrapped around his neck. She was unresponsive, unnerved. She seemed to not befazed at all.
Maybe he had killed her soul and damaged her far worse than he originally thought. But even now, she shows no signs of loving him back.
Was it all for nothing?
He thinks he sees the slightest bit of movement come from her as she stares athim silently. While the others had a twisted look of either disappointment orhorror, her expression was blank.
Saihara was forced into facing the Punishment he likely deserved, and Kaede Akamatsu would finally be safe, but at what cost?
She was broken beyond repair. Someone she wanted to trust killed two people, one right in front of her, and kidnapped her to hold her hostage until she loved him back.
This isn’t the Saihara she knew, or thought she knew: this was a monster.
The monster that was going to finally see the justice he deserves and get put down right before their eyes. A bit of relief washed over Kaede as his terror was put to an end.
Still, she felt empathy for Saihara. Maybe it’s because he had broken her and she had become do dependent on him, she’s not sure. But at least this torment was over.
As Monokuma drags the Detective down the hall and towards his Execution, he reaches out for her. “Kaede!” he calls whilst choking, gripping the chain around his throat, “I’ll love you forever, more than anyone else ever could-”
He gets cut off as the doors slam shut forever.
Alternate Ending 2
He couldn’t believe it… the others had foolishly fallen forhis trap and blamed Tsumugi for the murder.
The court room was dead silent for a moment as they stared at the results; evenMonokuma was silent since up until now, they’d solved every case with ease.
A long, twisted grin forms on Saihara’s lips as a maniacal laugh erupts fromwithin him – he can’t help it, he was so thankful that those idiots had givenhim what he wanted. He won.
“Uh-Oh!” Monokuma cheered whilst still perched at his podium, placing his pawin front of his mouth as he giggled. “This is interesting… it seems that… youall have failed to discover the Blackened.”
Still dead silent, their faces were priceless. Saihara continued to laugh asall eyes shifted onto him. He didn’t care how angry they were because he won,and now he’d get to keep Kaede all to himself.
“How could you?!” Miu Iruma screamed, almost leaping from her spot but a chainemerged from the shadows and clamped around her neck, twisting her back. Similarchains shot out from all sides of the room, grabbing hold of all those exceptfor the Detective.
“It’s simple, really…” Saihara’s voice is dark and intimidating, “I love Kaede.I had to do it for her. You did this to yourselves!”
The girls’ expression was blank and emotionless; it seems like the reality oftheir situation was finally weighing in on her. “Monokuma?” Saihara asks whileturning towards the Bear, “Is that Motive still available?”
As if reading his mind, the chains around Kaede’s neck release her and shecollapses to the ground in defeat. 
It didn’t matter if their friends were about to die as long as he got what hewanted and can keep her to himself.
And now she was going to be trapped forever. Only God knows what Saihara is truly capable of and what he plans on doing with her after they finally escape.
On the bright side, the Killing Game was over, but is it worth it? Her friends are about to be executed and she was stuck with her captor forever. With the man who claimed he did this out of love.
Saihara was insane and unveiled his true colors before the rest of the group. He gingerly walks towards Kaede’s stand and wraps his arms around her. 
What’s the use in fighting back anymore? It was over. Her fate was sealed.
- Mod Rantaro
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Claustrophobic NDRV3 boys with their S/O
Gotta apologize for a really huuuuuge delay and lack of quality in some places, but I hope you enjoy it! -- Mod Tsumugi
You never knew about his phobia because Amami never told you about this in first place.
However he told you once that he absolutely dislikes cars, but you didn’t take that in account.
Amami really likes to travel on his two feet after all.
But during one flight to another country you noticed him… trembling in fear?
You wanted to joke about his possible fear of heights, but abstains as you notice his condition just getting worse and worse.
He simply brushes it off as a little fear.
A little.
The plane is still on the ground and he’s shaking like crazy. That’s definitely not a something you can call a little fear.
He gives up a minute later and confesses to fear of being locked in a small place like car salons or even this plane.
Amami reassures you that he’s going to be fine, it’s not his first flight and he knows how to control himself in this situation.
But… you’re still worried. What if he actually manage to faint? What if he get a panic attack?
You don’t know how to act in these kind of situations.
And then you suddenly grab his hand (which is very sweaty). Amami is confused.
You slowly start drawing circles with your thumb on his sweaty arm. You tell him to clear his thoughts.
“Just… Think about something positive, okay? How about you think about me during this flight?”
He stares at you for a while. Then beams into a familiar smile and nods.
...Somehow he managed to fell asleep during the entire flight.
When he woke up he couldn’t stop mumbling about seeing you in his dreams.
He’s actually claustrophobic, ablutophobic and lachanophobic!
But that’s a lie, y’know.
Seeing how enthusiastic he is voicing his fears on left and right, you also don’t take his lies into much credit.
Until one time when Angie got an empty bottle of out nowhere.
And this is where everyone started playing Seven minutes in heaven.
Being a fan of party games, Ouma immediately agreed to play it and dragged you with him too.
If he likes it, then his S/O would like this game as well!
After a ton of respins later, the bottle has landed on you and Ouma chirps out of joy and pulls you to the closet.
...7 minutes felt like 7 hours. Ouma still clings onto you and buries his head into your neck.
He is probably trying to lazily make out with you or something.
He tighten his grip when he hears Saihara outside of the closet announcing that the closet door… got stuck and they cannot open it right now.
In response, Ouma threw one of his big tantrums. That happens a lot, nothing special.
Just like always you keep telling him it’s alright, nothing is going to happen to him.
Honestly, you expect him to bright up and laugh at how naive you are, falling into his pitiful trap.
...Not right now, you guess. Ouma just starts hysterically sobbing into your shoulder.
You hug him tightly in return and start stroking his hair just the way he likes.
It seems that this calmed him down for a little bit.
The moment when the closet door opened, Ouma jumps away from you.
But of course this is a lie! He just wanted to test out something and it seems you fell into his trap!
Silly S/O-chan, he doesn’t have a stupid fear of being locked in a very small place.
Well, maybe he has one, but it’s nothing that serious though.
You don’t even know should you trust him this time or not.
Goddammit Ouma.
He immediately confessed to you that he feels rather uncomfortable in locked, dark places without any windows.
Which you find kinda weird, probably because you has never met a robot with a such phobia.
Kiibo scolds you for discriminating him. You apologize to him.
You tell him that he can count on you; if anything happens, please do tell about it, you don’t really want Kiibo to feel inconvenient.
He is just glad to have such supportive S/O as you!
One day he tells you that he needs a maintenance check, so he’s going to Iruma’s place for some time.
It usually takes 30 minutes for Iruma to check him, but… It seems that something has happened to him.
It’s been three hours since his departure, but no calls or messages from Kiibo has reached you.
Nothing from Iruma either. When you contacted her, she told you that she knows nothing either.
But then gave up and started moaning hardcore after you raised your voice at her.
W-well, maybe she, y’know, locked him in her lab. J-just maybe!
Before you could hang up you told her that you will be here in a minute.
When you showed up and Iruma already opened the door, you was greeted by Kiibo.
...Really sad Kiibo.
You swear if only he could cry, he would be crying non stop. Instead he had watery effect on his eyes and his voice box resonated with a whimpering sound.
The first second you saw him, you immediately pulled him into a hug and started patting his head.
And almost instantly shot a glare in Iruma’s side, which she took notice of and started drooling hardcore.
Well, at least Kiibo is safe and alright, you couldn't ask for more.
You lately just started getting this feeling that Gonta might be scared of small places.
And, well, you’re right.
Gonta is so used to outdoors that he completely dislikes staying indoors.
But he also mentions how smart you are!
With not so many clues you could figure out his troubles! He is really proud of his S/O!
But… He really feel bad for leaving you all alone during nights.
Sometimes you do sneak out and stays with him all night in the woods, but he really feels unhappy with a thought that he’s useless.
So Gonta will try his best to make his S/O happy!
He’s definitely resting in his room today. No more sleeping on trees.
Step one: failed.
He already feels guilty for waking you up at such late hour only to just tell you his worries.
After all, this is what gentlemen don’t do!
You’re soothing him, telling him that it’s not his fault.
What do the trick is when you suggest him an idea to sleep together. Maybe that will help--
Your words got cut off when Gonta suddenly pulled you into a tight embrace.
This must be it! Gonta’s S/O is so smart and thoughtful!
With you on his side, Gonta calmly fell asleep, without any tossing or turning.
You, however, couldn’t even close your eyes as you spotted caterpillars and other bugs sticking out from his hair.
You kinda figured it out and both of you talked about this problem.
He is, well, embarrassed to confess it, but you brush it off saying that it’s totally fine to have fears.
You tell him that it’s fine if he wants to cling to you if he suddenly gets an anxiety out of nowhere.
You giggle at his flustered reaction when he covers his face with his hat.
One day though you told Saihara that your friend is going to throw a big party and you’ll be there as well.
He tells you right away that he would like to accompany you; he’s free from his work and would like to meet with your friends.
Without thinking further you accepted his proposal right away.
Turns out it was a horrible idea and your boyfriend feels really guilty for it -- the party was literally crowded with a lot of people you may or may not know.
Minutes later you notice how horrible Saihara looks right now -- he’s ready to throw up and you honestly don’t know what to do.
So you immediately grabbed his hand and rushed outside.
Saihara non-stop apologizing to you right now, which is just makes the situation even worse.
In response you could only hug him. Shush him, comfort him before he could faint.
The way you embrace him is sappy enough, but you don’t mind it especially when Saihara look very peaceful right now.
His face became beet red when one of your friends spotted both you outside and couldn’t stop teasing Saihara.
Just like Gonta, you kinda guessed it all by yourself.
Not only Korekiyo was amazed, but also enchanted by your knowledge.
Human awareness is honestly astonishing and the way you use your skills and abilities is absolutely marvelous.
But yes, he’s quite claustrophobic. He doesn’t want to dwell into details though, which is alright to you.
You tell him that if the treatment is going to be complicated, you will try your hardest to help him overcome it.
Which leads Shinguuji into talking about your beauty for hours.
Anyway, you both started travelling around Japan to gather some information about its folklore.
About setsubun, youkai and more.
Not only because you want to study something about Japan, but also want to get closer with Korekiyo and mostly with his talent as a folklorist.
It happened in Kyoto, you and Shinguuji decided to stay in a not so expensive hotel for a single night.
One kind old lady escorted both of you to the room.
When you dropped your bag down, you could also hear Korekiyo letting down something from his hands with a loud sound.
You turned to him… Only to met with a collapsed on the wooden floor folklorist.
You shriek in surprise.
But you calmed down for a second after hearing his familiar “Kukuku…”, face still facing the floor.
The last thing he ever wants you to know is his fear of tight places.
He’s already disappointed in himself, but he can’t let you down out of all people.
So the moment when he overhears your conversation with Ouma and the second when the SHSL Supreme Leader drops a tiny hint of Hoshi being a clautrophobic…
He is ready to jerk Ouma down with a force.
Which, unfortunately, doesn’t happen -- with his “nishishi~” laugh Kokichi managed to make his escape.
An uncomfortable silence stretched between Hoshi and his S/O.
He immediately apologizes for making you to hear it -- he promises to deal with Ouma and his filthy mouth later.
Actually, he might do that right now.
Hoshi excuses himself once again and already makes his way out…
Only to be stopped by your touch on his shoulder.
It’s not that something complex or critical, you tell him.
It’s completely fine for having fears!
Knowing Hoshi he might actually hate himself for getting anxious over something stupid like claustrophobia, so you comfort him with a promise to overcome his fear.
Even if you don’t know how, you will do your absolute best to study about its treatment.
You can hear Hoshi mumbling a simple “thank you”, then how he’s glad to have you on his side.
Your smile just made him chuckle in amusement.
He’s Momota motherfucking Kaito, he’s not scared of some stupid things!
Because he’s an astronaut for fucks sake! How he’s gonna stay in a space shuttle cabin is he’s completely terrified of small spaces!?
But he is, indeed, a claustrophobic person. Even Gonta, who was raised by wolves, figured it out like nothing.
Momota tells you that he’s going to be just fine -- in fact, he’s getting a treatment from various therapists.
He only asks you to keep Ouma away from him. And not let Shuuichi and Harumaki know about his fear.
While you do keep his first promise, you pretty much sure that both Saihara and Harukawa already figured his phobia out.
When Kaito’s phobia gets triggered, he’s pale. Extremely pale and sweating buckets.
During these times you always get overprotective over him: trying to shield him and give some space and always hugging him, reassuring him it’s going to be okay.
That easily does the trick -- Momota is a sucker for cuddles and always embraces you back in return.
Sometimes you may or may not see him using self-help books to cope with his phobia.
169 notes · View notes
Each imagine is sorted into one of four categories, Boys, Girls, both or V3 Characters x V3 characters. 
Boys: Are the v3 boys and the s/o
Girls: Are the v3 girls and the s/o
Both: Are both boys and girls included in an ask 
Vc characters x v3 characters: Are asks that don’t include the s/o, they are just characters from drv3
Matchups: Matchups for the v3 characters and the asker 
Each ask has brackets beside it telling what mod did that ask. The asks are from oldest to newest for each category (So the ones done first will appear at the top of each category and the ones most recently done will be at the bottom of the category. Every Nsfw ask has a nsfw warning as well.
Having the v3 boys as a roommate (Mod Kaito)
V3 boys as k-pop idols (Mod Kaito)
V3 boys at the beach (Mod Kaito)
V3 boys on social media (Mod Kaito)
How the v3 boys text; Emoji’s, long paragraphs, etc (Mod Kaito)
The v3 boys asking their crush out to prom (Mod Kaito)
Saihara’s s/o who comes home from war early (Mod Kaito)
V3 boys reacting to their s/o spoon feeding them (Mod Kaito)
V3 boys seeing their s/o in their clothes  (Mod Kaito)
V3 boys reaction to receiving chocolates and a valentine's day card from their crush (Mod Kaito)
Honest s/o and Ouma (Mod Kaito)
Kiibo confessing to his crush (Mod Kaito)
Saihara with an s/o who compliments him out of the blue (Mod Kaito)
A nice date with the v3 boys (Mod Saihara’s application form)
V3 boys walking in on their s/o naked ( Mod Gonta’s application form)
Personality and looks the guys prefer (Mod Saihara’s first ask )
Kiibo with a robot/ AI s/o (Mod Saihara)
Boys saving their s/o from a nearly fatal trap (Mod Kaito)
V3 boys with an s/o who has asthma (Mod Saihara)
The Guys with an S/O who has hirsutism and is self-conscious about it (Mod Saihara)
Yandere v3 boys (Mod Saihara) (Gore warning)
V3 guys who sees fem s/o’s boyfriend cheating on her (Mod Saihara)
V3 boys as the mastermind (Mod Saihara)
V3 boys with an s/o that gets a panic attack whenever someone gets a panic attack (Mod Saihara)
Kiibo with an s/o that has glasses (Mod Maki’s application form)
Gonta trying to help his s/o get over a bug phobia (Mod Maki)
Guys with a Short(ish) s/o that has a really kinky mind (Mod Saihara) ((Semi NSFW))
How would the guys react if I’d their S/O started crying cause one of her favorite fictional characters just died? (Mod Saihara)
Non-hope’s peak and despair highschool au with the guys and their s/o? (Mod Saihara)
V3 guys with an S/O who’s being secretive. And their reactions when they find out she’s in therapy and was nervous about how they would react (Mod Saihara)
 The V3 boys’ reactions to their crush confessing their feelings (Mod Saihara)
Kaito Nsfw head-cannons (Mod Saihara) ((NSFW))
Ouma and Saihara accidentally cumming inside their s/o (Mod saihara) ((NSFW))
The boys comforting their S/O over the loss of a loved one (Mod saihara)
Guys reaction to having to get their s/o underwear or clothes and bring them to her in the shower (Mod Saiahra) (Slight NSFW)
V3 Guy’s reaction to their s/o suggesting to have sex (Mod Saihara) (Slight NSFW)
Kiibo x Kaede x kokichi x s/o fluffy and smutty head-cannons (Mod Saihara) ((NSFW))
V3 Guys reaction to finding a secret stash of poems their s/o wrote (Mod Himiko’s application form)
V3 boys reaction to their s/o asking them out (Mod Angie’s application form)
V3 boys with a male s/o; fluffy and smutty head-cannons (Mod Himiko) ((NSFW))
V3 Boys with a non-affectionate s/o that suddenly shows affection (Mod Angie)
Kiibo with an s/o that is jealous of Iruma and Kiibo’s relationship (Mod Angie)
V3 Guys realizing they have a crush on a guy (Mod Himiko)
Kaito cheering up an s/o that hates themselves (Mod Himiko)
V3 boys cheering up their s/o who’s been feeling sad lately (Mod Saihara)
V3 boys finding out their s/o has an eating disorder (Mod Saihara) ((May contain triggering topics))
Ouma Kokichi sex crack fic (Ft. Bowser and s/o) (Mod Saihara, Kiibo and Angie)
Ryoma Hoshi x reader comfort fic (Mod saihara) ((may contain triggering topics))
More boys being yandere (Mod Saihara) ((may contain triggering topics))
Ndrv3 boys; escape button or s/o? (Mod Saihara)
ndrv3 Boys reaction to their s/o asking to have sex (Mod Saihara) ((Semi NSFW))
The guys being executed and seeing their s/o running onto the stage to try and save them (Mod Saihara)
Ndrv3 boys confessing their love (Mod Himiko)
Ndrv3 boys finding out their crush is in a physically abusive relationship (Mod Saihara)
Ndrv3 boys with an s/o who has ADHD (Mod Saihara)
The Dr guys catching their S/O twerking (Mod Himiko)
The guys reaction to their s/o in in their wedding dress (Mod Saihara)  
V3 boys getting blackmailed(Part one) (Mod Saihara)
V3 boys getting blackmailed (Part two) (Mod Saihara)
Korekiyo creating a story about his s/o (Mod Saihara) (NSFW)
V3 boys with an s/o that can’t cook (Mod Angie)
Boys with autistic s/o (Mod Saihara)
boys and S/O with children (Mod Iruma’s application form)
boys surprising their S/O with a new puppy (Mod Iruma’s first ask)
DRV3 Boys with a hate for dresses/wears suits at formal events (Mod Iruma)
How would the guys react if they were in the middle of sexy times with their S/O and someone walked in on them (Mod Iruma)
Boys with an S/o who cums very quickly (mod Iruma) ((NSFW))
Ryoma Nsfw headcannons (Mod Saihara) ((NSFW))
Ndrv3 boys raction to seeing their s/o’s self-harm marks (Mod Saihara) (trigger warning)
Cuddling scenarios with the boys (Mod Saihara)
Having the V3 girls as a roommate (Mod Kaito)
V3 girls as k-pop idols (Mod Kaito)
V3 girls at the beach (Mod Kaito)
V3 girls on social media (Mod Kaito)
V3 Girls struggling with math homework (Mod Gonta)
V3 Girls reacting to Kissing their female s/o for the first time (Mod Saihara)
Toujo death sacrifice for her s/o (Mod Saihara)
V3 girls reacting to their s/o coming out as trans (Mod Saihara)
V3 girls as the mastermind (Mod Saihara)
V3 girls as a Yandere (Mod Kiibo’s application form)
Fluff with the v3 girls and a tall gf (Mod Kiibo)
Personality and Looks the girls would prefer in a boy (Mod Saihara)
The girls finding their s/o dead (Mod Kiibo) ((Gore))
Ideal dates for the girls (Mod saihara)
v3 girls who are aroace and have to turn down a female confessor (Mod Saihara)
V3 girls getting a hand made ring from s/o (Mod Himiko)
Ice cream date with the V3 girls (Mod Kaede’s application form)
Girls finding positive pregnancy test with a female s/o (Mod Shuichi)
Girls reactions to their s/o sending nudes (Mod Iruma) ((Slight NSFW))
Cuddling senerios (Mod Shuichi)
Valentines day with the V3 cast (Mod Saihara)
The V3 cast as traitors (Mod Saihara)
Kiibo, Kaito, Kurimi and Gonta with an s/o that’s hard on themselves (Mod saihara)
Every V3 Character as the protagonist (Mod Saiahra)
Ndrv3 Cast with an s/o that kicks ass at Uno (Mod Saihara)
Kaede, Kiruimi, Kaito and Kokichi reacting to their s/o having an intense panic attack. (Mod Iruma)
The boys, Kaede, and Toujou with an extremely self-loathing, anxious s/o (Mod Saihara)
Ouma, Kaito and Maki at weddings (Mod Kaito)
late night calls with the boys + maki (Mod saihara)
V3 characters x V3 characters:
Kiibo and Ouma trying to be lewd ((Slight NSFW)) (Mod Kaito) 
Kaito x Maki head-cannons (Mod Kaito)
Iruma x Amami Head-cannons (Mod Kaito)
Kaito x Kaede head-cannons (Mod Kaito)
Kiruimi x Korekiyo Head-cannons (Mod Kaito)
Maki x Kaede Head-cannons (Mod Saihara)
Ouma x Gonta x Kaito Head-cannons (Mod Kaito)
Saihara x Kaede Fluffy Head-cannons (Mod Saihara)
Gonta asking Toujo to teach him how to be a gentleman (Mod Saihara) 
Kiibo x Kaede x Kokichi fluffy and smutty head-cannons (Mod Saihara)((NSFW))
Fluffy and Smutty Oumami Head-cannons (Mod Saihara) ((NSFW)) 
Saihara x Kaede NSFW head-cannons (Mod Saihara) ((NSFW))
Quadruple date with kirumi/korekiyo, Kaito/Maki, himiko/tenko and gonta/Angie (Mod Himiko)
Hoshi x Gonta on Christmas Morning Headcanons (Mod Himiko)
Gonta having a younger sister from his "true" parents + characters reactions to meeting her (Mod Himiko)
Kaito x Miu head-cannons (Mod Saihara) ((NSFW AT THE END))
Tenko x Kiruimi headcannons (Mod Kaito)
Hoshi x Amami headcannons (Mod Kaito) 
Ouma x Himiko headcannons (Mod Saihara)
Kaito x Shuichi headcannons ((NSFW)) (Mod Himiko)
Kiibo x Miu (Mod Kaede’s first ask)
#1 (Mod Angie )
#2 (Mod Himiko)
#3 (Mod Himiko)
#4 (Mod Himiko)
#5 (Mod Himiko)
523 notes · View notes
tren-fraszka · 2 years ago
Fandom 5k 2023
Dear creator,
Thank you for taking your time to check my requests. I know my requests can sound a bit tricky, but please don’t be discouraged. I wish you will have good time writing first and foremost!
My AO3 is Tren, if you wish to check it out. I’m open to treats.
Likes: comedy, angst, casefics, canon compliants, canon divergences, AUs, time loops, bodyswaps, roleswaps, “being hoisted by your own petard” plotlines, snark, pettiness, rivals, enemies to friends to lovers, pining, bed sharing, violence, friendships, and character bonding,
DNW: explicit sex (makeouts and fade to black is okay), A/B/O, mpreg, rape depicted as positive (so no “it’s okay, because the other person enjoyed it/it was what they truly wanted”), trans headcanons, soulmate AUs, stories ending with surrender to fate/destiny, fourth wall breaking in canons where that doesn’t occur, character has cancer or other real-life terminal disease AU, word “queerplatonic”.
Also, I included what ships I’m okay with in each fandom. Please do not include any ships that aren’t canon and I have not allowed in those sections (if you feel really strongly about a ship I haven’t mentioned, you can always ask through mods just in case).
On a separate, but similar note, I’m okay with OCs as long as they don’t overshadow the characters I requested.
Additionally, while I almost never request fanart as possible medium, because I prefer my main gift to be fic, I would be very okay with receiving fanart treats. Also, feel free to peruse my old letters if you get your hands on them. I never stop being interested in fandoms, and if I requested something once I will still want it in the future.
I read new manga chapters as they get translated so feel free to incorporate anything from the manga that’s available in English. I’m also fine with a fic based on anime.
Kirio Amy/Suzuki Iruma
There are many good ships with Iruma, but this one just has a lot things I like. I love enemy ships with both sides being way too emotionally invested into each other so this was inevitable. I love how this relationship starts as this really wholesome friendship and school festival preparation, except Kirio turns out to be a bit messed up and wants to blow up everyone. But then they both accept the outcome and go on with their lives still thinking about each other. Iruma goes through a lot of trouble to keep the club operating even though Kirio has been pretty much expelled. And then Kirio is now obsessed with Iruma as his anthitesis and perfect enemy.
I’m okay with the potential story happening at any point in the canon. I would love both a story set before the festival while Kirio is still hiding his true colors or a story set after it. Maybe Iruma runs into Kirio somewhere after he escapes prison and instead of calling an adult, he tries to stop Kirio from causing trouble on his own. Or Kirio much to surprise of all his allies, despite being a known basher of evidols, suddenly develops obsession with the mysterious newcomer evidol Irumi. As for pre-festival story. Maybe some upperclassmen steal important parts from the club and Iruma and Kirio set out to get them back.
Naberius Kalego & Suzuki Iruma
I love Kalego for being a much better take on Snape than original Snape ever was. The second the series made Kalego Iruma’s familiar I knew this was about to get good. And it was. I love how Kalego slowly warms up to Iruma, even if he is still allergic to his and Sullivan’s antics. I love that Kalego is actually a competent teacher who cares about his students, but at the same time he would rather eat a whole lemon than admit it out loud.
For prompts, maybe Sullivan ends up having an important business and Opera isn’t available so he dumps looking after Iruma on Kalego for a few days. Or Iruma is struggling with studying since so many things are new for him, so Kalego ends up forced to help him catch up with the material (inclusion of Balam is always welcome). Or maybe Iruma gets into usual trouble ends up stranded somewhere and the only one he can call for help is his familiar. What if Kalego figured out that Iruma is a human?
Crocell Kerori | Kuromu/Gyari
One of the last thing I expected to get was a canonical yuri romance in this manga, but here it is and it’s perfect. I love how it is pretty much built on mutual pining. I love how Kuromu loves Gyari, but refuses to reciprocate her feelings, because she knows that she needs to remain unattainable to keep their relationship alive, and I love how Gyari is never ever going to give up.
I would love to see more of the time when they worked together. We know it was love at the first sight for Gyari, but I would love to see how Kuromu’s feelings grew. Those hours they spent together practicing, maybe a not-date where they sneak together to scout a venue where they will be having their first big concert, or maybe a small contest that would sow the seeds for their future rivalry. I would love any and all of it. Also, Gyari doesn’t seem to be aware of Kuromu’s civilian identity, so I would love a story where Gyari meets Crocell Kerori rather than Kuromu. Does she recognize her? Or does Kerori manage to successfully trick her? Maybe Gyari makes a full investigation after hearing rumors that Kuromu is attending Babylys. I would also love any sort of future fic for those two.
AUs and ships
I love the worldbuilding around the demon world, so I would ask that if you decided to write an AU that it still incorporates demons. I would definitely love an AU where rather than getting summoned to demon world, Iruma accidentally summons either Kirio or Kalego into the human world. Maybe Iruma’s parents try to use him as an offering, but instead he ends up bound to a demon. I would love to see Kirio excited to unleash suffering (even if his weak powers severely limit him in that regard) onto human world just to discover that he made contract with the biggest pacifist possible. Or Kalego being torn between wanting to return home as soon as possible (he has classes to teach!) and wanting to somehow help the weird human child that just keeps getting into trouble. Any other demon-focused AU is also welcome. For Gyari and Kurmou, maybe one of them is a human who ends up summoning the other as a demon. How different would their relationship be then? I’m also fine with any sort of AU divergences scenario. Maybe Iruma keeps accidentally sabbotaging Kirio’s terrorist plans without realizing it. Or Iruma ends up summoning Kalego more often as his familiar when he gets into trouble. What if Gyari also attended Babylys.
As for ships, I’d rather avoid any love triangle scenarios for this canon, so please focus on just one pairing per character (competing for Iruma’s attention is normal for this canon, I’d just rather not see outright romantic competition). It’s self-explainatory for Kirio request, but if you want to include some shipping elements into the other requests I also ship Iruma/Ameri and Kalego/Balam.
Kurusu Kazuki & Suwa Rei  
Kurusu Kazuki/Suwa Rei
My platonic ideal of this series is the very first scene we see with the cool car chase and our two protagonists cornering their mark. Only for the tense interrogation they are putting their target through to get interrupted by phone call and an ensuing bickering because Miri had gotten sick and how dare Rei not notice. The guy they captured tries to use that moment to escape, only to get shot, since the protagonists don’t have time to deal with him anymore. They have sick child to take care of. And like, I enjoyed the rest of the series, but that one scene was just the undistilled essence of what I found the most entertaining.
I’m fine with both platonic and romantic take on Kazuki’s and Rei’s relationship. I just really enjoyed the domesticity they built up together and how grounded their relationship felt. Like, it obviously started from convenience with Kazuki having nowhere to go and Rei being completely unpreapared for living alone. But somewhere along their partnership, they forged a really strong bond where they both realize that they need each other, even if they don’t exactly put into words.
For more platonic prompts, I’d love to see the beginnings of their cohabitation. What sort of arguments they had at the start? What kind of compromises they had to make? We know that Rei tried to adopt a cat. Were then other attempts he made at having an animal? Did they acquire a cat after the event of canon? On that note, I’d love any exploration of what happened post-canon. How did their dinner operation start? Were they forced to use any of their assassin skills despite retirement? Did they develop a rivalry with a neighbourhood Italian restaurant that’s definitely not lead by some similarly retired mafia members? On similar topic, did Rei and Kazuki have scuffles with other assassin groups when they were still active? What if they had to compete with someone for the same target?
For more romantic prompts, I’d love exploration of how their cohabitation could turn into something more. As well as the two of them kinda finding the right shape of their relationship. Like, I’d love to see them trying to do some general couple things, but not everything quite sticking. Like for example, maybe they try to sleep in the same bed, but it turns out that Rei isn’t quiet ready to abandon the safety of the bathtub. Or Kazuki realizes he can’t enjoy one of typical couple activities since it reminds him too much of his time with his wife. Kazuki and Rei just have such different types of trauma and the idea of them finding ways to be happy despite it all really fascinating.
I’d also love fumbling displays of affection happening at awkward moments during their assassin jobs. Does the gun need a big red ribbon on it? No, but it’s the thought that counts.
I enjoy Miri and Kyu (and other secondary characters), so don’t hesitate to include them if you wish.
AUs and ships
I think a setting change could be pretty fun as long as Rei and Kazuki continue to work as assassins or have similar profession. Different time periods, fantasy AUs, or such could be really interesting for them. I also wouldn’t mind seeing a different take on the ending, maybe they find a different way to convince Rei’s dad to leave them alone and stay in the business. Or they do give up on being assassins, but rather than opening a dinner they choose some other job. AU where Kazuki and Rei are actually a comedian and oil baron, but they give everyone the wrong impression that they are assassins due to Rei’s awkward wording (and him playing too much FPSes) and Kazuki being bad at jokes.
I wouldn’t mind a deeper look into Kazuki’s relationship with his wife (especially since we see him struggle with comparing what he lost and what he has now in anime). 
I watched both anime seasons, but haven’t read the manga yet. Please don’t spoil developments that weren’t yet in anime.
Chiyoda Momo/Yoshida "Shamiko" Yuuko
Do I even need to explain? Those two are just perfect together - a depressed magical girl finding love and acceptance with very clumsy demon who makes the dark side look way more tempting than it ever should have been.
I’m definitely here for both Shamiko trying to pull Momo out of depression through her “evil” schemes and for some more serious plot. Whether it be cute moments of bonding or Shamiko proving her worth when her friends or family are in danger, I’m here for it.
I would be up to more outings of those two. Maybe they go to aquarium or movies? Or maybe Momo requires more mental support and has Shamiko dive into her dreams (this time consensually) to help her deal with some sort of bad memory or recurring nightmare. What if some rouge demon or magical girl came into town and started causing trouble? How would our duo resolve it? Are there more secrets left behind by Momo’s sister than need to be solved?
Chiyoda Momo/Yoshida "Shamiko" Yuuko/Lico
I really loved the addition of Lico to the cast. She’s such an chaos element, because at one moment she’s extremly useful and the second she’ll be trying to spike your food with suspicious herbs. Just 100% trickster fox and I love her for that.
I found her relationship with both Shamiko and Momo extremely compelling. She’s a bit of a cunning senpai for Shamiko, obviously happy to teach her, but definitely not above a harmless prank here and there. On the other hand, there’s Momo, who visibly reminds Lico of her bad experiencess in the past, but at the same time she’s very willing to help Momo, but not without being very snarky about it and pranking her like there’s no tomorrow. I feel like that complex relationship between the characters is so good.
I would be curious to explore Lico’s point of view when it comes to Momo’s descent to the dark side. Is that the reason why she warmed up to Momo despite her bad experiences? Does she have some specific hangups that she needs to work through before she can actually enter the relationship? Does Lico want to influence Shamiko’s development as a demon in some way, or is she satisfied helping her along on the path Shamiko choose herself? Does she try to teach Shamiko some of her magic? What if Lico engaged in some pranking that got out of hand and now is desperately trying to hide the truth from Shamiko and Momo by creating a fake villain?
AUs and ships
I don’t want any setting changes, but would very much enjoy other AU shenanigans. What if Sakura was still around and trying to play a matchmaker? What if something goes wrong when Shamiko dives into Momo’s dream and they end up bodyswapping? What if Momo also started working in the cafe? Time loop could be very fun for this fandom.
There are no other relationships I’d be interested in that come to my mind, but, as always, feel free to ask me through the mods about secondary pairings you may want to add to the story
I've only seen anime, please no manga spoilers.
Hitori Gotou/Nijika Ichiji
I loved how Nijika literally pulled Bocchi out of her funk and into becoming a member of a band. Those two just work so well together with Nijika managing the team on practical level while Bocchi is the emotional core that keeps it together. I especially loved the quiet moment they had after their successful concert where Nijika confides in Bocchi about her reason for starting the band
I’d love to see them going out together somewhere. Maybe Bocchi wants to go to a concert of a certain band and only Nijika can go there as her social support. Or she needs to buy something that she can only get in person. Or they end up separated during a band hangout and have to find their way back.
For some more ideas, what if Bocchi starts to despair about the subscriptions on her youtube channel falling down and enlists Nijika’s help with brainstorming how to raise the numbers (since Nijika is the only one who knows that Bocchi is Guitarhero) and they end up getting into shenanigans.
Or you can just jump straight into Bocchi overheating as she’s catastophising hundred ways in which her love confession will fail. Or going way overboard with her confession making it like a giant public event before realizing she can’t stand the amount of attention this has generated and failing. It’d also be fun to explore what they’d be like in established relationship. Would Nijika’s presence help ground Bocchi? How would Bocchi show her affection to Nijika?
Hitori Gotou & Futari Gotou
Sister bonding! I loved the relationship between the sisters even if it was happening mostly in the background. Futari might talk shit about her sister, but she seems to genuinely enjoy her presence even going as far as making her summer homework focus on what Bocchi was doing when she was barely doing anything
I’d love it if Futari took interest in music and asked Bocchi to teach her some basics (not necessary playing the guitar, but maybe trying to understand the music theory), because she wants to be able to compliment her big sister’s music properly. In general I just want Bocchi to get a chance to be a responsible older sister. Maybe she ends up in situation where she has to take care of Futari and use all her courage to pull through unfamiliar situations
Or maybe Futari wants to put on a show for their parents as a present and asks Bocchi to play the music while she does it, so the two of them try to work together in secret to make it a surprise, while Bocchi has to work through her hangups about playing very upbeat songs
AUs and ships
I’d prefer no setting changes. Though I actually wouldn’t mind exploring what if instead of guitar Bocchi (and other characters) dove into a different kind of hobby. Bocchi as an artist joining an art circle would be hilarious to give an example.
I’m fine with mentions of Ryou/Kita
I’m fine with story based on either anime or manga, I’m caught up with both and anime is a faithful adaptation.
Jinguuji Tsukasa/Tachibana Hinata
Childhood friends who are practically inseparable and strongly dependent on each other? That’s already perfect, but now throw into it a crazy goddess who isekais both of them, turns one of them into a girl, throws an unspecified curse, and forces those two to confront the fact that their feelings for each other might go beyond friendship? That’s beyond perfect. That’s galaxy brain and I want more of that mishmash of tropes.
I’m all about everyday interactions and weird rpg shenanigans they get into, so you can never go wrong with leaning into it. But for something else: What if at some point one of them got returned back to their original world? How would the other cope? Would they be able to establish communication between the two worlds? How would they go about reuniting?
Also, there was just a confession in the manga and I’m still screeching about it. I crave all the awkwardness that’s going to come with those two idiots trying to figure out how to act now that they admitted that they have feelings for each other. Will they try to go on a date with a disasterous results? Will Jinguuji desperately try to find a dating manual in another world? And will they be able to enjoy a romantic moment without “CHARMED” status ruining it?
Feel free to include any other characters, they are a colorful bunch. Though if you want a suggestion, I’m very partial to Schwartz and Shen
AUs and ships
I don’t want setting changes, though I would enjoy seeing a different spin on how those two dorks get isekaied and under what circumstances they end up inflicting the wrath of Goddess of Love. Or I would love an AU where the goddess doesn’t succeed in her first killing attempt, so she keeps trying to isekai Tachibana and Jinguuji keeps foiling her plans every time (or maybe he fails at some point?). What if Shwartz wormed his way into the protagonists’ party and third-wheeled like only he can?
I also ship Nazuna/Lighting. Feel free to include any one-sided crushes from canon.
Miorine Rembran/Shaddiq Zenelli
Their relationship is fascinating and strongly defined by missed opportunity. While I wholeheartedly stand by Miorine’s choice to cut off Shaddiq after what he pulled, I’d love to explore all those what ifs that the show dangled before us.
Shaddiq mentioned he did consider joining the duels for Miorine’s hand. How would the story change if he did that? Would he be able to succeed or would he have to resort to underhanded means? Would his ambitions end up clashing with his desire to be with Miorine in another way? How would Shaddiq’s squad react if Shaddiq did end up pursuing Miorine? Would Sulletta end up ruining his plans to win Miorine, or would she end up being the push he needs to join the fight for Miorine’s hand?
I’d also be very open to potential timeskips and exploring how their choices ended up shaping them as an adults (in a timeline where Shaddiq didn’t mess up as terribly as he did in canon, obviously, because no amount of time passing will fix that). I think it might be easier for them to realize their feelings as adults once they actually managed to establish themselves as something more than pawns of their parents.
Though if you want to explore those school days I’m also all about those pre-canon moments of the two of them making the project together and pining hard for each other in the process. What other things had they done together in secret? Was there an interest they shared?
I’m fine with this romance not having a happy end, as long as it isn’t framed as relationship that would never work out. Shaddiq already proved he can value his ambitions more his feelings, so I don’t mind him failing again in that regard. I just want this to be actual romance that happens, and I can accept it ending in breakup or even death because there’s a lot of things that can go wrong given failings of both people involved
AUs and ships
I’d be very fine with both setting change or divergence AU for this request. I’m not super attached to mechas, so if you want make a fantasy AU or royal AU I’m very open to that. Or any other setting that would work with the type of power struggle Miorine and Shaddiq are caught in, since I don’t want the complexity of their situation to be removed, but I wouldn’t mind reframing it into something else. My prompts pretty much veer into canon divergence already but for some extra interesting scenarios: what if Miorine’s dad assassination in the first episode succeeded? Or what if Miorine did agree to get Shaddiq’s help when setting the company?
I’m fine with other characters being potential rivals, but please don’t make any other ship than the one I requested the endgame. Even if the relationship ultimately doesn’t work out, I don’t want the ending to be either Miorine or Shaddiq getting together with someone else.
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dangankingdom · 4 years ago
->Nagito, Hajime, and Gundham with an s/o who dies defending them
Warning// angst, death, not proof read, blood, death,
Extra// Nya loves nyas boys dearly- and would die for them... had to ask our now ex-Mod Maki how much angst would be used from a scale of 1/10 would exist, they said 7
Original Ask
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You decided to check on your hope boy-
As you shuffled towards his cottage you noticed his door cracked open a bit.
The room was dark with only the lighting of the sunrise through the few cracked windows.
Peering in you noticed two figures barely illuminated by the light that you assumed as Nagito and Hajime, Nagito being the only one you could see clearly.
Nagito seemed either blissfully unaware of the figure, or just didn’t care about their presence.
As you were about to walk in and announce your prescence you noticed the other figure who, now that you look closer, isn’t fucking Hajime, with a weapon.
You panicked, you knew that Nagito wouldn’t care if he was killed “for the sake of hope”. That it’s an honor and the only way for "someone like him" to be useful.
Which you strongly disagreed with.
You shook your head violently as a way to clear your thoughts as you, without thinking, jolted towards the two figures.
Moving in between Nagito and thus getting struck by the large object held by the other person.
Poor Nagito-
He actually didn’t even realize that you or the blackened had entered his cottage.
And god did he wish that his luck could’ve worked that moment.
He only realized your presence once he heard the loud WACK that came from the force of the weapon.
‘Luckily’ Nagito had turned around fast enough to catch your now limp body and barely catch the face of the killer who panicked scrambled out of the room, leaving Nagito panicked and in a lot of shock.
Nagito was, confused-
He was meant to die for the name of hope, not You, his hope.
He truly believed that that was the moment his luck ran out, you, someone who was most important to him and someone who he could cling to during this killing game was dead.
Once he actually realized what happened he yelled, out of fear and pain.
His mind coming too the agonizing assumption that trash like him was the reason that someone as wonderful and talented as you died.
Chiaki, Hajime, and a few others ran into the room shortly after hearing the yell, thus causing the “Body Discovered” annoucnemt to ring through out the room.
It took a lot of positive affirmations from Chiaki to calm down Nagito during the investigation, not only since in his mind he was the reason that you were dead but that he for some reason was the main suspect and got questioned and ridiculed the most.
He found your trial the most painful and yet most satisfying for seeing and punishing the person who attempted to kill him and ended up killing you.
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Hajime was actually trying to find you.
After the last trial you seemed quite anxious so he wanted to check up on you and make sure that you were fine!
A good boyfriend.
He ended up alone and quite far from where he last saw his classmates.
Being alone should have been safe but, he wasn’t actually alone of course.
And he knew he wasn’t alone, he sensed someone near him.
He hoped that it was you, damn even Monokuma would be fine.
“S/o? Is that you?”
Well someone sure as hell came out once he called-
Sadly it was your future killer.
He was utterly terrified, with you no where in sight and the threat of death lingering he accepted his fate.
That is if he couldn’t escape in time.
That’s until you came along.
You were wandering around aimlessly, trying to calm your nerves from other days trial, until you heard Hajime call out for you!
You wondered towards where the voice was coming from and you found him!
Sadly he was about to be yknow, killed!
You quickly darted towards them, pushing yourself in between Hajime and his attempted masked killer, causing the weapon to be lodged into you instead.
You and Hajime were both in shock, neither of you registering the fact that the killer ran off.
You felt the warmth of slender and shaky arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer to the even shakier body.
You were barely concise but could make out the now tear covered face of Hajime Hinata.
Even on deaths door you still tried to calm him down.
“It’s fine, Hajime!” Your tone tried to be up beat but the pain you were feeling was obvious due to how shaky and raspy it came out as, making Hajime panic even more-
“S/O?! Why would you do that!”
“For you, of course,,”
That answer was not Satisfactory.
Even as you felt your body go limp you managed to smile at your distraught boyfriend.
It took him a second to realize that you had finnaly passed, that the coldness coming from your body wasn’t from the air being chilly.
He gently placed you down before running off to get help, starting the announcement.
A shaking, puffy eyed Hinata was quite the sight to see.
He was very quite during the investigation -only speaking to a select few people.
After the trial Hajime refused to leave his cottage for a while-
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You and Gundham decided to meet up and hang out!
Purely your idea!
It was a way for you to bond and vibe™️ ignoring the stress of the ongoing killing game!
You guys spoke for hours, a major vibe™️
At some point, maybe due to discomfort, Gundham took off his iconic scarf and placed it in between the both of you-
You honestly didn’t notice and continued on the conversation as normal, often getting distracted by the dark devas because who wouldn’t their fucking cute as shit man.
As the time passed, you and gundham decided to head back to your cottages, noticing the sky start to dim due to how long you both had stayed out without realizing it.
You watched as gundham and the Devas walked of, giving them a wave as they slowly left your vision.
You decided to stay for a little while longer, thinking that would would have enough time to get back to your cottage before it was too late.
You noticed a certain purple cloth on your right, taking a second to realize that Tanaka had left his scarf behind.
Picking it up you made your way in the direction you had last seen him, humming as you figeted with the cloth.
You soon noticed gundham with another - person-?
You soon noticed a large object being held and lifted by the other figure, panicking as you scrambled over there in an attempt- a quote stupid attempt- to diffuse the situation.
Gundham didn’t even seem to notice them until he heard you yell a few worried squeaks coming from the Dark Devas.
He quickly turned around to see you, holding your head in pain which pink blood trickling down your forehead and an unknown person running away from the scene.
Him and the devas quickly made their way to you, though you already seemed to have lost a lot of blood from the quite hard impact to your head.
You quickly felt dizzy and a bit drowsy, trying your best to focus on gundham and your surrounding as a way to keep yourself alive.
Tanaka quickly reached for your shaking figure, keeping you steady as your struggled to stand.
Even as you were bleeding out the last thing you said was-
“You forgot your scarf-”
He didn’t even give a shit bout his scarf right now, one of the few people he could trust in the killing game just died-
Died over the fucking scarf-
He left the scarf with your now lifeless body as he went to inform the others,
Making a frantic entrance covered with your blood-
The trial went by smoothly but he could never wear his scarf without thinking about you-
He wondered if it was a good or bad thing, either a way to keep your memory with him or a constant reminder that leaving behind a price of cloth would be your demise.
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Mod Iruma actually had fun with this one which is concerning since it was purely death and angst of some of the people on the top of nyas simp list-
Nyas mom knows gundhams name by heart, suck it nerd 😎
If you look closely you can see nyas brain cells deteriorate as Nya writes-
Mod Iruma isn’t a nerd
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forbidding-souda · 5 years ago
I really really loved the request you did for hajime and shuichi (you write them so well!!) so if its not too much to ask i was wondering if i could request 45 and/or 46 from the prompt list for them again? preferably with the same pronouns ówò tysm!! have a good day
45/46: “I know you love me. I know you too well.” Hajime Hinata & Shuichi Saihara (masc S/O)
Omg!!! Thank you for saying I write them well!! I worked on that fic for like a solid 24h it was so fun! I try my best :D
-Mod Souda
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Hajime Hinata
He closes his eyes, letting himself take a breath.
You sit down, and he remains standing, ignoring your presence.
All you can do is continue to doodle with a pen you stole from Togami. 
You had the command to watch over him, so now you are stuck with him in the same room, the lights not a yellow tint but instead red, helping the atmosphere.
You know Hajime wouldn’t hurt you.
But does he know that?
Irritation laces his brow at the confinement. Something irks his mind. That’s a common feeling for him. But something about this feels different.
“I know you, don’t I?”
You ears perk up at the sound of his voice. When you look up, you find yourself caught off guard by something you thought you got used to, a golden eye and a red eye glaring down at you.
“I’m your kohai.” You say with a smile, to which he stays unemotional.
So you change your response, “I’m the class below you, Hajime.”
Something about the way you say his name provoked a feeling inside of him. He doesn’t exactly understand it. So he looks away and tries to blink away the warm feeling in his chest.
You eye him for a little longer, but his face is turned away from you, so you end up just returning to your sketches.
That doesn’t last very long, however, because you are quickly distracted by him pulling up a chair to sit next to you. 
This easily brings warmth to your cheeks. Warmth you don’t want to be there.
“And you haven’t seen me for awhile.” He suggests, obviously still stuck on the topic.
“A very long while, Hajime.”
The use of his name again. He pauses. A long pause. But you don’t dare break eye contact with him. 
“We went to school together.” He adds on. It’s hardly a question.
“Hope’s Peak Academy.”
Anticipation drips into his eyes, for just a moment, before he quickly throws it away. He wanted you to say more. But he’s already put everything together in his head the moment you repeated his name. It’s just a matter of if he can get you to say it.
“How did we meet?”
You smile, the memory seeming like ions ago.
“You slammed a door against me. It was on accident, of course, and you wouldn’t stop apologizing.”
He watches your cheeks burn and the way you calmly set down your pen.
“When was the last time you saw me?”
Instead of a sad look, as he expected, your smile just grew.
“Well,” you start with a flirty tone, “no, nevermind.”
That just made his eyebrows furrow. So it’s true. 
He eyes you up and down, taking in the figure he must have seen every inch of. Interesting, he says in his head, he is surely different.
You had no shame even giving him that hint, as well. You were laughing about it. 
“I think it’s time to go,” you say through your laughs, which now come off as a result of timidness instead of joy. 
No, his head commands. 
You stand, pushing in your chair and putting the pen behind your ear before walking past him.
A gust of air passes your figure. You don’t even notice is at first until a hand is in front of you, blocking your path, and slammed against the wall.
You exclaim, “What’s your deal?”
His hair is cut short like Hajime’s, one of his eyes remains a familiar shade of gold, and he dresses like Hajime would dress. But Hajime was not an impulsive person.
He speaks breathlessly, forcing out the words.
“I know you love me. I know you too well.”
It was a battle with his mind. His emotions got in the way, they corrupted his way of thinking. He shouldn’t have done that. It was rude, on one hand, but it did give him the answer he wanted from you.
You put one hand on his cheek, stroking the sensitive skin. He shudders at the touch.
“And I know you love me, too. You always have.”
What should he do? His mind is is shambles. He can’t even think. What would the old Hajime do?
His hand falls, but not to his side. It lands on your hips. But gentle. He’s kind to you.
The invisible line that connects you to shortens while he leans in. You can’t even believe that your words affected him. You still thought he was still emotionless, unhopeful. 
Maybe he still is. But that doesn’t stop him from kissing you.
Shuichi Saihara
Liar. The word runs through your head. Shuichi can lie? Isn’t he supposed to be on the side of truth?
Maybe Ouma is starting to get to him.
You stand behind your podium calmly, hands resting on the metal while your eyes move left and forth between the people arguing.
As long as time is being wasted, it doesn’t matter to you.
“Come on, Shuichi, it’s soooo fucking obvious!” Iruma calls out again. “But because he gives you a huuugggeee boner doesn’t mean he’s innocent!”
He glances at you, and so do the other 13 students. 
“S/O would never do anything like that!”
Ouma pitches in, “Come ooonnn, Shuichi, what happened to addressing every possibility?”
A blush forms on his cheeks. He’s not flustered though, it’s the anger and embarrassment he feels when trying to protect you, especially when you aren’t responding back to him.
“It’s because he loves me.”
Shuichi freezes to the sound of your voice, one of his hands gripping onto his heart. It’s not true, he tries to soothe himself, it’s not true.
“Wh-What?” His voice still shakes and his heart quickens. A million of thoughts run through his head. 
“I know you love me. I know you too well.” The words come smoothly from your lips. You say it casually - too casually. 
His mouth goes dry. He thinks about the last week and all the times he spent with you. Whether it was going through the newly found rooms or escaping at night to talk underneath the stars. How sensitive he was and how softly you held him all came together to make one thing clear.
It was true.
You sigh, leaning your face into your hand. “So he’s not going to lay it all out.”
Maki rolls her eyes. “So you’re admitting to it?”
“No way!” The words slip from your tongue before you could catch them. So you continue on with your useless defenses. “There’s no reason for me to even kill them!”
But there was.
And that was the problem.
They came at you first, which is the truth, so you smashed their head open and left. No part of you wishes to share this. Instead, you’re going to become the villain. The evil antagonist for him to defeat. You know if he knows the truth - how helpless you were - he would try to fight for your life. 
But you need to die. To save everyone else. And you accepted your death the moment you walked out of that room.
Everytime you look at Shuichi you see the time you two spent at night, laying on the grass and looking up. You told him how beautiful he was, and how soft his hands felt when you held them, and how much you wished time to be back to normal.
All of that just looks like a lie as you stand behind your podium, defending your faux innocence like the antagonist should.
You wonder how Shuichi will grow from this one.
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dangkinronpa · 8 years ago
headcanons for himiko who was close to iruma and rantaro in a killing game
heres ur headcanons himiko, i hope u like them, and if u want anything changed or added ill be happy to do so! - mod kiibo
- when the killing game first started, himiko, rantaro, and iruma promised that they would all do their best to survive for as long as they possibly can. they made a sort of pact to get out of their together so that they could keep being a good trio of friends with one another
- after the first death, though, they all realized how hard it would actually be to make sure they would all stay alive. they knew that with kaede as a leader she would do her best to stop as many casualties from happening as possible, but it still worried them endlessly
- on the days where monokuma would hand out motives, himiko would gather iruma and rantaro into her room and keep them around so that she felt safe while she slept. they would just stay together for the night, huddled up and hiding under blankets so that they could feel just a little bit safer for just a little bit longer
- when himiko says shes way too lazy to ever murder someone, most of the other students simply roll their eyes. rantaro and iruma have to go to her rescue and prove that yes, himiko is much too lazy to actually go through with murder. its really embarrassing for himiko to have to stand there and listen to, but as long as it keeps her safe shes sure shell be fine
- as the killing game progressed, himiko and rantaro could tell that iruma had actually opened her heart to a few of the students. she would treat them somewhat kinder than she would have treated them beforehand, and every once in a while she would offer to help some of them out, since shes "the most generous genius alive." two of these people happened to be kaede and tsumugi
- so when kaede and tsumugi were in harms way, iruma had no problem giving them a push in order to keep them safe. she didnt take into account beforehand that it would leave her injured, especially not fatally. with her final breaths, iruma told kaede and tsumugi that she wanted to apologize to himiko and rantaro for not keeping her promise of making it out with them
- once himiko finds out about irumas death, she wont stop crying. shes holding on to rantaro and just sobbing in his chest, knowing that those days before the killing game will never be back again. rantaro tries to stay strong in that moment for himiko, since he doesnt wanna see her cry, but he cant help but shed a few tears
- throughout the rest of the killing game, himiko notices rantaro doing his best to act like an ever better brotherly figure than before. himiko doesnt really want to ask why, but she figures that she already knows its because of irumas death. so, whenever rantaro wants to put makeup on her or dress her up, she doesnt complain
- when saihara reveals himself to be the real mastermind, all of the survivors are in shock. they had all trusted him, so how could he do such a thing? it was a dizzying experience, and himiko was gripping onto her stand in order to keep herself from falling to her knees and just sobbing while he went on and on telling them things they didnt wanna hear
- after the last trial, though, the remaining survivors stood around for a few minutes to talk about how, against all odds, they were still alive. none of them were sure where to go next, but they had actually managed to survive long enough to escape that terrible school. they each wished each other the best of luck before taking a step into the outside world
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imagine-a-killingharmony · 6 years ago
V3 Girls + S/O falling asleep after big meal
How would the V3 girls react to their s/o falling asleep after eating a big meal?
This is fucking adorable, hi, my heart can’t handle this
whenever I just see one of these requests I feel all bubbly... is that weird,,??? this is just so cute yalll.
-Mod Shuichi
Tenko Chabashira
Tenko had asked you to come over for a dinner she had prepared for just the two of you, her fingers had been burnt throughout the entire process, then there was the injuries she sustained cutting up the fruits and vegetables, but Tenko was A-OK!
She made sure it was both nutritious and delicious, she even taste-tested it! It was completely fine, she didn’t want to accidentally poison you, considering this IS her first time she’s brought you over for dinner...!
Things go well, you eat, a lot, she made a lot! Tenko’s smiling to herself throughout, yet a instinctual part of her tells her to remain ready, Tenko senses!
That... voice deep inside her was right, after you finish eating you had started to look slightly woozy, Tenko had asked only for you to reply with: “m’ okay”...
Then you gently rolled your head into the table, snoring, drooling over the table without a second to waste, Tenko couldn’t believe it! Did you not get any sleep before coming here, or is all you eat those icky sweets that only give you a fake boost in energy only to sneak attack you right later?!
Seems Tenko has to do everything...! She picked you up, bridal-style rather easily with a large huff, before running up towards her room and...
Putting you on the top of the bed, under the covers, after placing an tiny kiss, with an “I love you” at the end of it...
Kyaaah! Just Iike a real couple, you know? Tenko can barely contain her happiness, but she holds off until she exits the room, she’ll stay up until you’ve finished napping!
You should sleep, regain that energy, Tenko will NOT stop that progress, she encourages it!
Himiko Yumeno
It was a pretty fancy restaurant the two of you were at, you were buying mostly everything, then Himiko added her own finding which sounded easy enough... Financial-Maaaagic...
She liked the food, but the waiters kept giving her kiddie meals, but you... she felt it, a spell was cast on ya’, not any ordinary spell... a tiiiiired spell.... She could tell cuz’ you weren’t even teasing her...
... Then the tired spell overtook your body while you were in the middle of speaking with her, your eyelids frequently closed until you had sunk towards the table, laying your head to restore MP...
How can Himiko join ya’? She wants in, she gently rested her head down after scooting next to you, then suddenly the two of you were sleeping in an expensive restaurant together....
How magical... she doesn’t even need to count sheep, she intertwined her hand with yours, giving your face a quick glance before...
... Yaaaaawn...
She left sleep overtake her.
The staff didn’t kick you out, just warned you to not do that again in any eating establishment, so the two of you apologized.
Angie Yonaga
Angie had asked you to come over, she didn’t own any fancy-smancy technology on her person so she had merely took you by your hand, then here you were!
Work had been hell recently, it’s been a while since you had hung around Angie, but today you had a break, so you thought you should spend as much as it as you could with her!
That is until you had to go back to some sleepless nights at work, you kept pushing forward, optimism is key!
She had laid out a... good-looking meal out for you, so you thanked her, she said she wasn’t hungry, Atua gave her all the nutrients she needed!
You chuckled before eating it all, but... how weird, your eyelids felt heavy, your body felt hard to move anymore, a yawn escaped your lips as you sink deeper and deeper towards the floor.
Angie stepped towards you, giving you a little peck on the cheek, you blinked. “Are you alright S/O? You look tired... oh! Atua told Angie, you hadn’t been getting the right amount of rest... that made Angie sad! Soooo...”
“Angie called ahead for that nasty work saying you needed a break, Atua said you likely wouldn’t accept that help, so he’s putting you to sleep for a teensy while till your all healed.”
“Nighty night, sleep tight.”
It was impossible to respond, you were wrapped in a warm tight embrace, your head pressed against something as soft as a pillow until you had fallen asleep...
When you woke up you were confused to find yourself in Angie’s bed, she told you that you just suddenly fell asleep after eating her meal, she called in for your job and told them you had fallen asleep and were in deep need of a break!
Wow, you couldn’t believe it yourself, you thanked Angie giving her a hug, somehow the light kiss she pressed against your cheek felt... weirdly familiar.
Kaede Akamatsu
You just went out for dinner after a piano recitall, your treat for how well she had done, quite well! Honestly, you were so... so proud of her!
You had been so excited for this one recital, it was an important one, the Kaede blew it out of the water, honestly you were waiting for this for so long!
So long that you had forgotten to sleep yesterday, yet you held valiantly and watched thoughought the show using energy drinks, you were pretty sure you could make it home...
You continued to eat your food, Kaede looked oddly at you.
“Are you alright? S/O you look like your on the verge of collapse, should we go home?”
“Huh...? M’ fine... completely okay...- see? M’...” ohhhh hh h h what the fuck, you suddenly faceplant into the table, you’ve just crashed.
Kaede let’s out a squeak, going over to your side to shake you awake, you messily pick yourself up to view at your girlfriend with a groan.
“... Give... Give m’eeeee five more minutes...”
“You literally crashed into your dessert, we’re going home.” Kaede took a handkerchief out of her pocket, quickly wiping the cake-smudge off your face before picking you up, you leaned against her side the entire world was... was really blurry, what’s going on...?
“C’mon, home.” All you could tell was Kaede carrying you alongside her, towards the car straight home... you give a quiet thanks in appreciation, she said to keep your sleep schedule correct from now on, wasn’t like you were alive enough to process any of it.
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tsumugi had asked you if she could come over to your place for snacks, you agreed, it was plain to see, she didn’t expect any for what was about to occur was going to happen.
She had went over, made some flirty lines, then she had been went to eat those chips you had, as you went to ate some lunch you had made while speaking to each other, simple still?
Tsumugi just continued to eat those chips, nice chips, until you had suddenly fallen over over that sanwitch you had made for yourself falling asleep, well, it looked more like a heart attack to her...?!
You suddenly fall over your chair when you hear Tsumugi screaming your name, you fall out of your chair, starting to scream with her, well you just started to scream, Tsumugi just blinked.
“Oh, so you were just asleep, I’m thankful.”
You continued to scream awfully confused, Tsumugi had to go by your side to comfort you about the whole situation to get you to stop.
Miu Iruma
Miu had told you she created a large meal, just for your sake, for some odd reason, she said she didn’t wanna even touch any of it, that it was just for you! You should be thanking her!
Well, after some pressing she explained, she wanted to make some sort of sleeping pill to make someone sleep immediately, that just knock em’ right out if they had insomnia...
You said you’d be fine with eating it, but seriously she needs to tell you before she uses you as a test for some invention...
Not suspicious at al- you don’t faceplant into the table after taking a bite of the meal, so you continue to eat... it all.
Miu tchs. “A failure, a fuckin’ shame, I totally got all the things perfectly down, heh... this misconceptions’t totally gonna be solved, next model Miu Iruma swears it-!”
Then you face planted straight down into the table, crashing down, as your world went immediately dark.
“I-I JUST WANTED TO TEST A SLEEEEPING AGENT NOT THIS! I’MSORRYSORRYSORRY WAAAAAH!” You can hear your girlfriend rush towards the phone, you stir slightly in your sleep but stay down...
It’s a miracle Miu’s device worked at planned, even thought it took a long amount of time, about fifteen minutes of eating as Miu tracked down...
You are NEVER going to be her test subject again, well... for as long as you can remember this you won’t.
Maki Harukawa
How could you be so stupid... he hadn’t even wanted to walk in on the sight of you, over the table fallen asleep over the meal that, you yourself had prepared, she sighed.
How stupid, she go over to shake you awake, you blink only to have a low key heart attack seeing the deep glare of Maki Harukawa staring back at you.
“Go upstairs, there’s a bed up there.”
“Yes ma’am.”
You rush up the stares, Maki’s glare teaching you the way throughout, jeez...
Maki goes to clean up the mess you made, you have to be better at staying awake...
She... worries y’know.
Kirumi Tojo
She had given you a large meal to eat, you had gotten VERY tired after eating the turkey she made for you, really really tired... so you took a nap, Kirumi saw this.
... you felt a blanket place over your sleeping form, a light kiss being pressed against the back of your head...
Then you were picked up, you opened your eyes slightly while you were being carried finding the prim and proper Kirumi Tojo carrying you, you smiled underneath that cozy blanket she had given you before you fell back to sleep...
You woke up in Kirumi’s bed, a note that you fell asleep after eating her meal beside you, then that she was cleaning your house, you smile to yourself...
Your girlfriend is literally a goddess...
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ndrv3-imagine · 8 years ago
NDRv3 Girls - Headcanons with a Shy S/O
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Sure thing! This was written from all three mods so we hope you enoy! - Mod Kaito,Mod Saihara and Mod Rantarou
Kaede Akamatsu:
She knows how nervous and shy you can get around people
So when you do she quietly drags you out to the music room and plays piano for you
Her piano music is probably the best method to calm you
If there’s no way of playing piano for you, she sometimes records her own music and puts it in a special folder on her phone
Cue to her handing it out to you and putting earbuds so you can hear it
Also will hold hands to reassure you that she is there for you
Miu Iruma:
Would probably tease you a bit
I lied, she would tease you a lot
But she would also think that it’s quite adorable how you blush??
Would literally do anything to get a blush out of you
Including dick jokes
But if she saw that other people are making her s/o really uncomfortable and/or shy
Boi, hell is coming for that person. She would get Mad™
Would send one of her creations to eliminate make that person learnt their lesson
Tsumugi Shirogane:
She’s a literal sweetheart to you.
She catches you watching her make her cosplays from time to time, and so when she senses that you’re upset in public she always brings you to her room so you can watch her sew.
She always offers her hand as something you can clutch in case you’re feeling nervous.
She also buys you a bunch of colorful little strings and beads to braid when you’re feeling nervous.
She won’t try and argue with the person who has made you uncomfortable, because she knows you don’t like that, but she always asks for the help of her friends to settle things.
Tenko Chabashira:
Tenko won’t understand why you’re shy at first.
She’s the most outgoing girl you know, and sometimes she does things in public that brings attention to you too.
But once she learns about your shyness, she immediately stops and apologizes about everything.
She’s learnt to be slightly quieter with you around.
Slightly, because she just can’t fully fully keep her mouth shut, but you love how hard she’s trying.
When you’re feeling shy, she’ll bring you to a seat nearby and sit next to you,placing one hand on your lap,
and she’ll just be silent, allowing you to calm yourself down, and when you’re feeling better, gives you a sweet peck on the cheek and offers to go where ever you want.
Kirumi Tojo:
She looks up tips and tricks on what she can do to help you.
Every time she notices you’re uncomfortable, she’ll bring you to an empty room and tell you what she’ll try today.
After a few tries, you both figure out that classical music helps calm you down.
She downloads various tracks on her phone, and even some of Kaede’s piano songs just in case.
You also tell her how you love watching her clean, so sometimes, she’ll just play classical music and bring you to a room she needed to clean for the day.
Your favorite way to escape from your shyness, however, is just hugging her, and if she’s honest,
It’s her favorite way too.
Maki Harukawa:
probably is the silent protector
if you feel uncomfortable at a certain place, she would appear quite standoff-ish to everyone else
“my dudes you gotta chill s/o is not feelin it” is basically what she means
she squeezes your hand reassuringly, sending the message that she’s there for you
there are times where you both are quiet and it’s very peaceful
Angie Yonaga:
Let’s be real, Angie is a little ball of sunshine and energy
She would try everything in her power to help her shy s/o
She would give her s/o a sketchbook and a few pencils so she can draw when she’s feeling nervous or shy around people
Also, she would teach you how to draw!! And how to make all kinds of art!!
If someone is making her s/o feel nervous and/or shy, she would drag her out of the room
“Come on, S/O!! I’m gonna teach you today how to make an sculpture of an enemy!!”
Himiko Yumeno:
Protect this bab because she would also do anything to distract you
Like hey you are feeling shy around these people?? Don’t worry she will distract you with a magic trick
Nervous?? Whoa another magic trick
Where did that kitty come from?? Only Himiko knows
She would also teach you how to do simple magic tricks
So you can distract yourself with them if she is not around
Who am I kidding she would be around to support you and help you
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